High school?- Favremysabre

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so I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing but let's do it anyway!

saber pov~

I wake up in a cold sweat, God not again. I get nightmares often but I get over it. I quickly get up, I have school and there's a new kid. I quickly get ready, i then grab my headphones, I plug them into my phone. I do this every morning, I grab my skateboard. i skate to school. once I reach the school everyone go's silent and looks at me. "is the new kid here yet?" I call out, some say "no sir" while others shake there heads. "once he gits here I expect him in my office as soon as possible, understand?!" I call out again, I hear a corus of 'yes sir's. I smile, I walk to my office.

technically it's the principles office but everyone scared of me so it was easy to get the principles office. I'm not entirely sure why but everyone in this school fears me, but all so respects me. it's not like I hurt them, I only hurt them if necarry. so this brought them to respect me. I know the teachers don't fear me but listen to me. they have no reason to fear me, yet.

I was on my phone when I heard a knock. "come in!" I say, the door opens to see someone with the new kid, "ah ross, thank you. your dismissed" I say, he nods and walks out. "come sit down" I say, he closed the door behind himself and sits down. "so where the principle" he asked, "I personally don't know, but this is my office now. so kid what's your name" I ask, "Andrew ocean. but please call me shark. may I ask why you have your own office" I asked in a quiet tone. i smirk, "first call me either sir or saber. second it's because I basicly own the school if you can't tell." I explain he nods, he doesn't fear me yet. it's kinda refreshing. I open the drawer on the desk and pull out his scedual. "I can show you where the classes are. i have the same classes." I explain standing up. he nods. i walk over to the door and open it, everybody looks at me. I smirk, i hand Andrew his paper.

"locker 667 just next to mine" I saw walking ahead of him, he trys to catch up but I'm to fast. I stop at our lockers. he makes it seconds later, panting. "hurry up class starts soon." I say he nods. I open my locker, number 666. how ironic. I grab the books I need, and slam my locker shut. I look around, I see Andrew has left. I start walking to class when I see someone getting surrounded by people. someone's getting bullied.

I walk closer to see it's shark in the middle coughing up blood. I silently stand behind them, "now just what do you think your doing?" I ask, my voice low and threatening. they all look at me, there eyes wide in fear. "now who's idea was it to bully someone?" I ask, everyone points to the person in front of me. "well then the rest of you may go, class starts soon. if I find any of you lied I will not hesate to hurt you got it?" I say, they all nod. they scurry of. "what's your name child?" I ask turning to the kid in front of me.

"Adam sir" he says, I smirk. "so your not a complete idiot. now why did you bully shark?" I ask, "I found out he was a shark hybrid sir." he says, my hand twitched. I punched Adam across the face, he fell to the ground, his nose bleeding heavily. "if I ever here you talk about hybrids like that again" I chuckle darkly. "I won't go easy, now go to the nurse for your nose. it might be broken, sorry not sorry." I say and walk over to shark. he looks at me with a lot of emotions. confusion, shock, fear, happyness, sadness, pain. "are you ok?" he just shakes his head. "where are you hurt?" I ask, "manly my left arm and my sides." he says quietly. I nod. "just close your eyes all right?" I say, he nods and closes his eyes. I pick him up and bring him to my office, I set him down on one of the couches and hover my hand above him. I close my eyes and just think about healing him.

soon there's a bright light, I open my eyes and look at shark. "is that better?" I ask softly, he nods. "how did you do that?" shark asked sitting up. "that's not important, we need to go to class." as I say that the bell rings, I help shark stand up and we walk to our first class. math. "how good are you at math." I ask, shark looks confused at my question. "I'm ok I guess why is math out first class?" he asked, I nod. he groans. I smile, just like the old days. yes me and Andrew were friends, once. then he moved, that's when my life went south.

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