He's mine! - Fto

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Slushie Boys Part 2 will be out soon, I promise. I'm also working on your requests, it's just taking time. And no, I'm not obsessed with Boat and all his characters, not at all. I don't know why your talking about.

Lucas pov~
I walk into the tower I now live in. I can hear yelling, but I ignore it as its normal. I wonder past to the kitchen. Where i find Mori. She waves at me. I nod. "What are they arguing about this time?" I question, pulling out a bag of chips. She sighs, scrolling through her phone. "Something about their crushes or whatever." I sigh. "Must they always fight about that? Can't they just confess and move on?" She chuckles. "I wish." I shrug. "I'll be off." She nods. "Apparently Jupiter has a new prisoner." I roll my eyes, walking off.

I walk down the stairs, and notice a figure in the cage. I sigh. "Up and at em." They spin. "There's more of you?!" I roll my eyes, eating my chip. "I just live here. I'm not responsible for whatever Jupiter does." They grip the bars. "Please get me out!" I lean on the railing. "What might your name be?" They cross their arms. "Blake. My name is Blake." I hum. Blake, the Dragon slayer. "Lucas. What are you doing here?" I turn, Jupiter behind me with a pink face. "Mori in formed me you had a new prisoner. Thought I'd look at who it was. Whyd you take her?" I gesture. He hums. "She was getting to close." I rub my temples. "You know i don't like when you randomly kidnap people." He frowns. "But-" I shush him. "Put her back where your found her." He crosses his arms. "Lucas-" I cut him off once more. "Jupiter." He stare at me before groaning. "Fineeeee." He rolls his head back, annoyed. I smirk. "That's what I thought." He groans. I laugh. "Now, go." I point. Blake chuckles. "Your boss is nice." He spins. "Puddle is not my boss!" I lean back, smirking silently. "We'll, I'm heading to my room. She better be gone when I'm back!" I wave, stretching. I glance back. "And when gone, i mean alive." He nods slowly. I walk off.

I walk through the halls. "Master Lucas~" That name. I turn. "Yes Zane?" He smiles, or smirks or whatever he's doing. "Pardon me, when you walked by my mouth went dry... maybe your tongue can fix it?" I sigh. He's been oh so repetitive with these pick up lines. "Zane." I roll my eyes,  unaware of the pink color dusted on my cheeks. "You know i just want to give you the appreciation you deserve!" He grins. I sigh, shaking my head. "Im going to my room Zane." I wave him off, walking into my room. I close the door behind me and look in the mirror. I ruffle my hair. I wanna dye it. What color should I use? I pull off my coat, which I had bought after getting many stares to my exposed chest. I toss my jacket over the chair at my desk. I fox my make up in the mirror and pull back. "Blue Maybe?" I whisper. I wear enough blue though. "Black...? No." I sigh, staring at my hair. Maybe... I smirk. I walk out of my room, David and Monty speaking against the wall. "I'm going out." They look over, David's face going red. "Aren't you missing something?" He gestures. I look down. "Ah, shit." I walk inside and pull on my jacket. "Anyway, I'm going out." I give a piece sign and walk out.

I look in the mirror, ruffling my still slightly wet hair. I kinda like it like this. I should leave it kinda wet. I look at the light magenta colored streaks or highlights. I don't know how much I like it but it's not bad. I fluff up my hair. "Lucas!" A voice yells, banging on my door. I sigh, opening it. "What's up?" Brandon eyes my hair. "What...?" Pink dusts his face. I hum. "Dyed my hair. What do you need?" He shrugs. "You've been hiding out in your room a lot, and I'm currently in control. I wanted to check on you." I shrug, leaning on the frame. "I'm good." I've mostly been trying to avoid a lot of the flirting and laugher directed at me. "You sure?" He questions. I nod. He sighs. "Fine. My Brothers stopping by later today as well." I nod again. I walk in and close my door. It's stuffy here. I fix my make up, and open the window. I climb out, using the vines to close the window and fall to the groun. I walk off.

I wonder into town, looking around. I glance over and see Mori speaking to a guy in a green hoodie. I was going to say hi when I notice her make become red. She rushes off. And I laugh, walking over. "Can I help you sir?" He questions. I turn. "I be never seen them act like that." He shrugs. "What do you mean?" I grin. "Don't let them go. I've always wanted them to have someone in their life, that person can be you." His eyes widen. "W-who are you?" I lean back. "Lucas. I'm a close friend of Mori. Your Jericho right?" He nods. "How'd you know?" I laugh. "I know everyone in every guild." I wink. "I should let you prepare for your date." He tilts his head. "How-" I cut him off. "Do I know? Monty's a friend of mine Sweetheart, he tells me about dates." He bites his lip. "Does he actually think it's a date? He seems out of it?" I sigh. "Monty is of the special type. His mind races in a different time line from ours completely. I won't lie, I have no idea what he's thinking." I look. "He's a good guy though. You hurt him and I break you." I glare. He shivers, and I suddenly smile. "I'll be off!" I walk away. "Weird..." He whispers.

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