His smile- Fto

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Well, just a small idea. Kinda a crack ship but it's kinda becoming cannon.
- for the record, Eden and Devin were combined for a much longer time
- This is planned to be short, but we know me. That probably won't happen.
- this is proof I write these before I write the story because this ship is now very cannon.

Devins pov~
I pace my kitchen, stress baking. "Calm down. What's up with you?" Eden barks. I shake my head. "Nothing- nothing." I hear a ding, jumping. I move to take the cookies out of the oven. Slightly burning my hand. At least it smells nice. I bite my lip, hands working quickly to make more dough. "Your becoming as bad as the protectors." He remarks. "I'm fine. Their sugar free. I'll just give them to David or something. I can eat them myself. Maybe even give them to Ritchie-" I shrug, hands shaking. There's a knock on the door, before its pushed open. "Devin?" I turn, smiling. "Ritchie. Hey." He hums, closing the door behind himself. "It smells nice in here." I smile. "Thanks." Before he can speak someone else does. "He's been stress baking all morning." I grit my teeth. "Shut up Eden." Ritchie smiles softly. "You wanna talk about it?" I hear a beep and turn. "Its nothing, just over thinking some things." I take them out of the oven, shoving the now cooled off ones onto a tray and leaving the tray to cool. "Would you like one?" I glance at him. "Uh, I don't really eat cookies." He smiles. I chuckle. "They're sugar free." I shift, putting the dough onto the tray for some more cookies. He reaches past me, taking one carefully. He pulls back, eating it. I turn. He smiles. "Thanks. These are nice." I chuckle. "Your such a mess. You've got crumbs all around your mouth." He laughs, bringing his hand up. "I really am a mess aren't I?" I laugh. "At least your a hot mess." I smile. He chuckles. "Is that an insult or a compliment?" I shrug. "Compliment. You know I wouldn't insult you sir." I smile, calling him Sir subconsciously. He chuckles. "Shoulda known." I shrug. I hear a ding, and move to take them out. "How many cookies have you made?" He questions. I hum. "I was making muffins earlier- then I decided i wanted cookies." I turn off the timer and the oven. I turn back to him. Before smiling. "How many did you eat?" He looks away. "A lot. They're really good..." I laugh. "Help yourself. I made too many." I smile. Anything to see that smile. He laughs. "You know you can tell me anything right?" He shoots me a reassuring look. I nod. "Yeah. I'm good, thanks anyway. Im just over thinking some things." He leans on the counter. "If you say so." I smile. "Just you being here and caring makes me feel better." He chuckles, eating another cookie. "Your a lovesick idot." Eden remarks. I roll my eyes, at least glad he didn't say it in front of Ritchie. "Shut up, you don't know anything." I mutter. Ritchie hums. "Was there a reason you came by?" I question. He shrugs. "I guess, I just wanted to see you." He turns a light pink. I laugh. "Oh." I smile, shifting the cookies off the pans. "Didn't you say there was something you said you wanted to do?" He sighs. "Yeah, I have to go stop by the protectors today." I nod, cleaning up. "Are you wanting me to come along?" He shrugs. "If you want to." There's that look on his face. He wants me to come with him doesn't he? I laugh. "I'll need to water my flowers, but sure. If you don't mind waiting a little." He exhales. "Any chance I get to avoid the protectors I'll take." I roll my eyes fondly, pulling back and sitting the dishes I used in the sink for me to clean later. "Could you grab my coat?" He nods, moving to grab it off the couch. I wipe my gloved hands off, moving to sit the cookies with the rest. He walks over. "Uh... How much have you been baking?" He questions, eyeing the large cart. I hum. "I can imagine ingredients up. So... all morning?" He face palms. "Dear god, your as bad as the protectors." I pout. "Hey! Mine are at least like sugar free and stuff." He laughs. I grab some, and tug my coat over my shoulders. "I'll go water the flowers. And maybe hand some of these out." I smile at him. "Feel free to make yourself at home or whatever, help yourself. Or follow me if you'd like." I smile. He nods. I walk out the door, seeing he's not following.

I walk over to my garden, getting the watering can and watering them carefully. I hear footsteps. "Devin." I turn. "Hey David." I greet. "And Plant." I glance at the child. They smile. "What are you doing today?" David questions. I hum. "Uh, I'll be going with Ritchie over to the protectors." I stand. "Speaking of which." He blinks. "Could I interest you in any cookies? Muffins? Their all sugar free." He hums. "What kind of muffin?" I chuckle. "Blueberry." A sparkle appears in his eye, and he takes it. "Thanks." I nod. "You want one Plant?" They take the muffin, nodding at me. I smile. "Your welcome." I stand. "I should go catch up with Ritchie." He nods. "Go have fun or whatever." I hum. "Thanks."

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