Oh dear- Omegagaming

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Based on Omegagaminglp's origins of Olympus series.

Michaels pov~
I stand next to Richie and look at the new arrival. "am I on a camera show?" he asked, looking around and seeing everything but us. "this is going to be quite the hassle won't it?" he nods. "why is he looking everywhere but here?" I sigh, "I don't want to know. let's just hurry this up I have a trail to lead."

I now stood above in the colosseum. I watch as a few more run in, "perfect your all here. now let's get this over with." I call. all eyes turn to me, "who are you?" one calls, Jakey I think... "I'm Michael. Son of the goddess Athena." I explain. "why aren't you doing these trials?" I jump down. "I was one of the first people to show up at camp, my experience and strength currently out matches yours by a significant amount. now no more questions" i sigh and just teleport back to my post. "welcome to the trial of Ares. you guys will be fighting with the weapons provided. it's a fight, no real rules other than that. now pick your weapons or whatever." I really didn't want to be here. I sigh and sit down, why can't Richie be here? oh right, he has to deal with the newbie.

Richies pov-
I sigh as he gets distracted again. Michael normally made this process a lot easier. he was talking to someone else again. I finnaly walk up and knock him out. "sorry about him." I bring him to his cabin and leave a note on the door. then I head out. I fly over to where Michael is. I watch him sit bored, watching the others. I land silently behind him, "how's it going?" he jumps and sighs, "I told you not to do that. And utterly terrible." I watch another swing and hit it, but it was completely wrong. "I see." he stands up. "Where's the other one?" he asked. I groan, "he was getting distracted for the 20th time so I knocked him out." he laughs, "nice. that should hold him for a while." I shrug. I stand next to him, watching another get knocked off. "who is that?" I point to one. "Xylo son of Apollo apparently." I smirk, "he's a son of Hades I can tell. how long do you think it will take for him to find out?" he snickers, "too long." I nod. I look down as one person walks behind us. "who's he?" I speed around them. i then return to my previous spot. "they are?" Michael whispers. I look back at him. "this is Mario, son of Zeus but doesn't know that." I whisper back. "alright Mario. this is Richie, son of Hermes. he's my best friend and the first to arrive at camp." I wave. he walks away. we look back at the fight. "Inmo and Xylo. how odd." I mumble. he nods, "Inmo made a bunch of traps at the beginning then hid. so he was left to fight a son of Hades. the poor boy." I nod. Inmo finnaly gets out and we both drop. Xylo pants, "that was close." I laugh. he turns over and we watch everyone else return. "who is that?" Xylo asked. I sigh, "Richie. that's all you really get right now." Michael looks over at me suspiciously. "what? I'm tired of explaining who I am today." he nods. he turns back, "well, congratulations to Xylo. you were lucky. because that was terrible fighting from all of you." he comments with the best fake enthusiasm ever. I laugh. he sighs, "training starts soon. now get out of my sight." he pulls out the art of war and everyone scrambles out. I rest my hand on his back and rub circles. "you okay there?" he nods. "I just don't have the energy today. with Austin and all the newbies and my lack of sleep recently. I think it's finaly affecting me." I kneel infront of him, "Austin and the newbies are exhausting I know, but your strong. I know you can handle it. now, do i need to start helping you to sleep every night? I'll do it. you really need to sleep with all the new work were getting. I can see bags under your eyes now." I rest my other hand on his face and rub under his eyes. he closes his eyes and lean into the touch. I hum softly. he slowly falls asleep in my embrace. he really did need sleep.... I pick him up bridal style. I carry him back to the cabins. I watch Austin walk out. "What happened...?" i give a half wave. "you fainted." I respond, walking to my cabin. i lay him down on my bed and walk back out. "what's up with him?" I shrug, "he just fell asleep. don't worry. now, if you read the note, that was your cabin you woke up in, Michaels is next to yours. And I just walked out of mine." he smiles brightly, "why is Michael in your cabin." I rub my temples. "reasons Austin. Reasons." he gasps, "how did you know my name?!" I sigh again. but before I can say anything Michael walks out. "how long?" I sigh, mumbling "10 minutes." he walks up to me and leans into me again. I wrap my arm over his shoulders. I turn back to Austin. "you said your name multiple times. it's not that hard for me to listen, and I have great memory." I respond to his question earlier.

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