Rawr- OZ

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For some reason, Origins Z misfits is just so fun to write-

-Set before Austin's 29th episode so Lilly is still alive even if I barely mention either of the siblings
-Bri and Austin never confessed so, yeah
-if it mentions him taking off the mask, just assume that means he pulled the bandana off his face but it's still on. It'll make sense later. (Except if I don't explain it-)

Austin's pov-
I lean my head back against the glass, eyes trained on the sky. "Austin? You still awake?" A voice calls. I glance up at the balcony above me. "Bri, what are you doing up?" I question softly. She keeps over the glass railing, landing with ease. "We don't really sleep much anymore." She chirps, walking over to sit next to me. I hum lowly. "So that's why your so loud at night." She nods happily, smiling. She sits on top of her feet, dangerously close to tumbling. "Careful. Just because you don't exactly die or feel pain means I like watching you get injured." I comment. She giggles, looking up. "What were you looking at?" I shrug. "The sky." She looks down at me with a tilt of the head. I close my eyes for a moment, allowing myself to rest in the moment. "Common silly, you can't sleep out here. You'll fall." She chirps. I open my eyes again, looking at her. "I actually don't move in my sleep so I would be fine. I wasn't trying to sleep anyway." I shrug. She smiles widely at me, the now familiar red color still resting on her face. I can make out hearts in her eyes as she stares at me. "You need rest, you told me that the brain can only function properly if you take care of it." She nods to herself. I quirk up an eyebrow. "I'm surprised you remembered that." She shrugs. "I pay a lot of attention to you." She shifts again, a small smile still on her face. Bri is normally smiling or pouting, it's normal. I pause, reaching up to brush a strand of her messy hair behind her ear. She freezes, eyes widening slightly. I clear my throat. "You should shower, it's been a while." I carefully stand and hop the glass again. "See you tomorrow Bri." I call, walking inside. She's been acting weird...

I hum to myself, a new song I've heard bouncing around the tower recently. Likely Colin or Bri, they like to blast music often. Then again this is a darker song, Seek probably. The others don't play music that loudly. I was currently sweeping up the garage. I've taken to cleaning to pass the time, it's actually not bad of a hobby. Especially with the mess the others leave about. I move to rest the broom against the wall, collecting some papers and the crayons Colin and Bri left. I usually leave their drawings in the desk for Bri to find layer. Maybe stealing a few. I carefully slip the crayons back into their box in a neat rainbow. I turn back for the broom, finding all 3 of the others watching me. "Hi?" I blink. "Your humming my song. Your humming the song I've been playing." Seekah gasps. Ah, I was right. I shrug. "It echos throughout the tower. It's stuck in my head." I step back over to the broom, continuing to sweep into the corner. Colin and Bri sit down again. Seekah leans on the cabinets. "So do you like it? The new song? I've found this new artist recently and I've been listing to all of his songs." He explains. I blink. "And that means blasting them throughout the tower daily?" He shrugs. "The other two do it. And I mean, I've been getting in your head so clearly it's working." He chuckles. I shrug. "Who needs to listen to music when I've got my own mix of you 3 and whatever your interests are for the day?" I can always tell how the others are feeling based on their music. Not to mention how expressive they are naturally. I feel a smile tugging at my lips, luckily hidden under the bandana. Seekah chuckles. "Fair enough. Colin does play an unhealthy amount of Jonah though." I nod. "Yeah but so do my sister's so I'm pretty used to it." I lean on the broom, looking at him. "On the other hand, you need to make a new run to the farmer, were running low on food in the tower and it's a low season." I comment. He nods. "Will do. Should I pick up more strawberries? They kinda disappeared last time." He prompts. I run my hand through my hair, knocking my hat out of place. "Yeah that one was my fault." He chuckles. "I can get more strawberries Austin, if you like them so much." I shrug. "I'm not worried about it. I'm lucky my favorite food is easy to obtain unlike the others, I take what I can get." He chuckles, watching me fix my hat absentmindedly. "Your allowed to be selfish." I tilt my head, quirking up an eyebrow. "It's literally strawberries. That's not important. Are you and Colin still going out and doing that race thing?" I prompt. He nods. "As far as I know. It actually depends on if Bri finished buffing out his go cart again." I snicker. He perks up, smiling wide enough to see under the mask. "That was a laugh, you just laughed." I roll my eyes, pulling myself up again, leaning the broom back into its place against the wall. "I am capable of laughter Seekah. Im human." He chuckles. "Dude your more of a robot then I am and Im literally part metal." I gasp lowly. "How dare you call me such a thing?" I tease. He laughs. "You've been spending to much time with Bri Austin." I shrug, hands slipping into my pockets casually. "Not so much of a robot now am I." He holds up his hands in surrender. "You win big man, you win." He laughs. I smirk. "Damn right I do." He chuckles. "I like seeing this side of you." I shrug, feeling the other two still staring at us. Colin jumps up. "Boss man has a playful side!" He chirps. Bri jumps up as well. "And your sisters didn't tell me?! How dare they!" They laugh. I shrug. "It doesn't surface much. Doubt they've seen much of it either." I grab the broom again, going back to my cleaning. "Are you any good at art?" Bri suddenly questions, getting closer to me. I pause. "Maybe?" I shrug. She grins. "Wonderful." I blink. "Okay?" I glance at the other two but they're in their own little world already.

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