Heeealling -Fto

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This was totally a short story originally I promise. But. It does have a semi- consistent storyline!
-Very ViperxKay heavy (Jasper best wingman)
-My practice on an healing arc :)
-Also pushing my Platonic ViperxLucas btw

Vipers pov-
I lean my head on the wall, listening as Jasper tells me a story. He's actually really good at it, funny enough. For a shadow, he has a very active imagination. And he keeps the love stories to about once or twice per week. Because I couldn't make him shut up any more. Unfortunately it's becoming more and more common with the addition of Kay in my life. Yay me. Jasper pauses mid story, and it doesn't take me long to reconguise why. Talking, outside my door. I don't pull myself from the wall, don't bother. Sometimes being the uptight bad guy isn't always something I wanna do, and there's not really anyone out there who cares enough about what I look like. "Viper, you have a guest!" Allumos' very familiar, very annoying, voice calls. The door opens with a swoosh, and I hear two sets of footsteps. That's a familiar set of light clicks. Kay. "Viper?" She questions softly. I hum. "Why are you here?" I question, keeping my head forward. She falters. "You two have fun." Allumos calls, walking out. Kay slowly sits down at the table, not far from me. She taps the table once then twice. "Lopho and I got in a fight, and this was the first place to go." She whispers. I smirk. "Why? Because I'm the only person who would side with you over Lopho?" She giggles. "Maybe." She sighs. "No, you just... I was thinking about it and your the only person I'm friends with outside of the protectors. Except maybe Devin or Mario." She sighs, tapping again. "And those two probably would have told me that I'm irrational, and we can just talk it out." I smirk. "Tired of all the happy go lucky attitudes?" She falters. "Maybe." She chuckles. "Maybe your rubbing off on me." I sigh. "Jasper. If you could." My vision slowly comes to me, and I see her laying on the table. She has her arm on it, and her head on her arm. Her other hand is tracing the wood grain. "So what did you and the cat fight about? To much chocolate in your cookies?" I find myself prompting her to talk, unused to her silence. I don't always like the silence, can hear my own thoughts too much. She chuckles. "Nah, he's still on his diet. Two cookies a week Kay!" She mocks. I smirk. "It uh... It was about you." She whispers. I stand, walking over to get my jacket. Surprised anyone cares enough about me to fight... "I'm not that interesting." I point out. She frowns. "You are to me. He was all mad that I keep inviting you to things. He was going to make you wax all of the hinges. Like who does that?!" She grumbles. I study her slowly. "I told him it was stupid and he snapped at me. Last time he snapped at me it was about Stu. He thinks I'm some helpless child!" She stands, pacing. "He thinks I can't think for myself! He seems to think I want to save you. I don't want to save anyone! I just want to be friends with people and he seems to think I need to save everyone, that I don't understand that there are bad people in this world." She rants. I walk over and sit on one of the cushions. Since when did I become a person anyone comes to rant to? This is almost as bad as that kid who hugged me. Seriously, since when do people do that? I light a fire on my palm, holding it under the kettle. I usually keep it full of water for whenever. Kay goes on and on about Lopho underestimating her, and how he seems to dismiss everything she's gone through. She's definitely had this bottled up for a while. I pour two cups, before sitting a tea bag in mine. I take a wild guess, and toss in a Carmel bag in hers. Kay sighs, throwing her head back. I take a slow sip of my tea. "So waxing door hinges is where you draw the line? Because for me it was vacuuming the grass." I point out. She jumps, turning back to me. She flushes. "Sorry about that." I shrug, gesturing to the seat. She sits down slowly. I may not be good with words, at least around her, but sitting silently and listening to people... I've always been good at that.

Kay picks up the cup. "You made me tea." She whispers. I blink. "Actually I boiled water and then put a tea bag in a cup." She chuckles, smiling at me. "Thank you." She whispers. I shrug. "If your just here to spite the cat then I'm hundred percent here for it." I offer. She laughs. "I hoped so." I glance out the window, eyes landing on the dark sky. Unfortunately Im on the sunrise side. "It's dark out." I point out. She blinks. "Oh yeah... It is." She whispers, looking over. I nod. "You should stay." I remark. She turns to me again, eyes wide and vulnerable. "Really?" She offers. I shrug. "You can take the bed like last time. Besides, where else would you go?" I keep my head down she chuckles. "Suppose your right." She looks around. "I should get you more games. This place is boring." She points out. I shrug. "Marshie decorated. Anything I own I carry." She grins. "Well, let's go." She stands. "Surely your guild hall has something?" She chirps. I tilt my head. "Probably not. Allumos is pretty strict. Seek and Colin have their own collection though." I explain. She grins. "So let's ask them!" I quirk up and eyebrow. She giggles. "What?" I sigh. "They aren't here." She pouts, looking around. I let her poke around. "Aha!" She exclaims, turning back to me with a deck of cards in hand. "Tada!" She grins. I hum. "Okay." She walks back over, sitting down the cards. "What do you know what to play?" She questions. I shrug. "A lot." She grins. "Wonderful."

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