Hah- Sander Sides

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3rd person pov-
we were only sides. real people yet not. had that not made us special, there's more. much like humans, we had soulmate marks as well. on our back there's a name. a nickname that our soulmate would call us. but they were all hybrids. with powers. yeah, we're definitely not normal.

Logan's pov~
I read over my notes that I've gathered. "Virgil- falling angel- shapeshifter. Patton- neko- earth. Roman- fox- super strength. Logan- unknown- manipulation" yes, I purposely wrote mine as unknown. because I'm the only one who knows what I am, and I plan on keeping it that way.

I stand up and pull of my shirt, looking in the mirror. "Logi" was written in bold words across the top of my back. I already know who my soulmate is. he calls me that so often. so I've purposely never called him or anyone by a nickname to avoid awkwardness. I pull on my shirt when I hear a knock on the door. "one sec!" I fix my tie as well. I open the door to Patton and Virgil. "we need your help." Virgil sounded serious. I nod, backing up. they walk in. "what may I help you with?" I adjust my glasses. they look around. "so uh, I found my soulmate. and I needed yours and Pattons help on what to do" Virgil mumbles. I look at him, "wouldn't the better idea be to consult Roman and Patton. those two are the emotions." he laughs nerviously. "see... Roman is kinda my soulmate" I cover pattons mouth as he squeals. "okay, then do you like Roman?" I ask. he nods. I uncover pattons mouth. "does Roman know he's your soulmate?" Patton smiles, nodding. "yeah. but he always feared you wouldn't like him" I smile, "then it seems the best option is just to confess. sounds like you both like each other." he nods walking out. I sit back at my desk as Patton falls onto my bed. "do you think I'll ever find my soulmate?" he sounded broken. I turn to look at him. "of course you will Patton. and who cares if you find your soulmate or not. all that matters is that your happy" i try and reassure him. I'm still not the best with emotions. pattons tail starts to swing behind him faster, and his ear twitched. "you know what? your right! thank you Logi!" I smile at him, "no problem" i reply. I turn back to my notes. "what are you writing?" I shrug, "notes on what we are and our powers." he walks over and reads over my head. "when are you going to tell us what you are." I freeze. "when I'm ready." I continue writing. currently just writing about Roman. "your really good at describing him you know" i shrug, "when writing about someone I get facts from others as well, ignoring my person opinion." we sit in silence while I write. eventually he sits on the arm of the chair. "how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?" I state, he shrugs. he moves so he is sitting in my lap. this has become a thing that we often do. I simply continue to write around him.

Virgils pov~
I try to calm my nerves. i stare at the words on my back, "emo nightmare" Roman has called me that exact name all day. I pull on my shirt and hoodie. I walk out finding Roman on the couch watching a Disney movie. I sit next to him. "Roman." he looks at me, pausing the movie. "yes mister emo" I sigh, "i uh, ireallylikeyou!" I rush out. his eyes widen. "can you slow that down?" I breath deeply. "i r-really l-like you. a-as in m-move than friends" I stutter. he faces me, then pulls me in for a quick kiss. "I like you to my emo nightmare" I smirk, "you don't know how long I wanted you to say that Princy"a fimaliar warmth floods through me. we kiss again, full of love and passion this time.

Logan's pov~
I smile at Patton who was asleep on my lap. I Finnish up my notes. "being the personification of logic, I made rules for myself. rule 1, don't tell them what I am. rule 2, don't show how I really feel about them. rule 3, don't show them the tattoo. rule 4, keep him happy. there's more, sure. but those are the basics. and if someone else is reading this, just know, I will know, and I will get revenge." and that concludes my section. simple little threat. I close the book and look at Patton. he looked so relaxed. I don't think he knows that I can see through his mask. he's emotions, it's rather easy for me to see when he's not happy. he's been really stressed lately. I play with his hair, the only sound being his small little kitten snores.

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