BearMan - OZ

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Guys, i think I might have an addiction to the Misfits. OriginZ is probably the only series where Boat isn't my favorite.
-semi consistent plotline today y'all. Enjoy <3

Austin's pov-
I frown at my notebook. What to do, what to do... Expansion could be bad, especially with Safe Haven so close. Those guys are psychopaths. But we have so much stuff there that will be hard to move. Maybe we could lift a moving truck or two? Could take a while. Justin seemed serious about his cafe. They believe the world can still be saved. They're reckless idiots. The world will start up again. Maybe. No one ever talks about after. If people get cured... Anarchy falls. American history all over again. The strongest rise. Survival of the fittest. Out here connections can make you strong, but back stabbing is just as frequent. But construction is... Hard. We don't have people who are good at that sorta thing. "Austin!" A voice chirps and there's a hand on my shoulder. I shift quickly, dropping the book and catching the arm. I spin them around, throwing them to the ground and hard locking their arm. "Just me, just me!" She yelps. I blink. "Bri? What did I tell you about sneaking up on me?" I sigh, and let go. She grins, rolling over and sitting up. "Whatcha doing?" She prompts. I pick up my notebook again and sit up properly. "Planning." I offer simply, crossing my legs. She blinks. "Planning what?" I hum. "Expansion. Our supplies are limited and Safe Haven is putting more and more pressure on our shoulders." On my shoulders. She frowns. "Expansion? Where?" She looks around. I sigh. "We could build up, we can start taking down buildings around us and expanding that way. But... Relocation is becoming a more likely answer." She blinks, and glances back at the tower. "Relocation? Leaving the tower?" I wince but nod. "It's an option I'm considering. We've relocated before. But every choice has its cons." I mutter, and return to my notes. Problems of being the leader. Making the hard choices. "Have you been thinking about this for a while?" She questions. I hum. "Nomadic culture has its perks." I offer instead. I'm always thinking. Ways to best keep my misfits protected. Bri was the only one I swore myself too, but this is my sisters now too. Plus I must admit that I've gotten attached to Seek and Colin. And Bri would be sad. Damn her. "Nomadic?" She echoes. I hum. "People who move a lot. Nomads were those who never lived in one place for long. They would live in teepees and pack up all of their materials to keep traveling as soon as they could." I explain, and start scribbling out floor plans. "Nomads are wanderers who constantly look for the best food source they can get. So Nomadic culture means to move a lot." I tilt my head. Numbers, numbers. We need a somewhat stable food source at least. With two zombies and a guy with a metal arm I'm sure we could take down some buildings. "Your so smart." She whispers. I glance at her. She's giving me a dazed stare. "Thank you...?" She acts so weird sometimes.

"Did you have something you needed or...?" I prompt. Bri falters, shaking her head and snapping out of it. "Oh! Right, yeah. I need a second pair of hands." She grins. I pause. "And you thought of me?" I mutter. She giggles. "I'm always thinking of you. Plus Seek has a metal hand, and Colin's shake a lot." She explains. I sigh, and close my notebook. I tuck it away in my jacket. "Lead the way." I mutter, standing. She hops up and leads me back inside. There's a new car, of which all I could tell you is that it's dark grey. Bri can probably say the entire model. It's currently being lifted on the one side, and the hood is open. "Just go ahead and slip into the car seat." She instructs, serious now. I quickly hop up into the car, despite the new height and the angle. She starts to instruct me on what to do, and I follow her instructions. "Oh rocky road." Bri groans. "Issue?" I lean out the door. She sighs lowly. "Yeah. Gonna have to rip it open. You can get out if you'd like." I hop out easily. She hums. "Can you hand me that screw driver?" She points. I hum. "When did I become your assistant?" I question, even while fetching it. She grins. "You love me." I sigh. "Debatable." She pops her head up swiftly. "That's not a no!" She chirps, pointing the tool at me. "I'm out." I push off the wooden post and wander off towards the door. "You can't deny our love!" She yells. I shake my head and return to my planning.

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