True me -OoO s3?

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Okay, so I was watching a few OoO season 2 episodes from Boats channel, as you do. And got this.
-This does fall under the time in which Set had enslaved Cal, and is after the murder of Inmo.
-Bro I don't know what kind of fucked up power trip I was on when I started this but have fun

Cals pov-
I lay back on a tree, staring at the cabin before me with dull eyes. I can hear his voice in my head. I choose Inmo. I choose to murder an innocent man. Instead of letting a bad guy, murder a pretty bad woman. Granted, it isn't the first time I've had to kill someone but that doesn't mean I'm ecstatic about it. I can still feel the lingering feeling of that presence in my head. I like to call him Lucas. He's the one that kills people. Khonsu hums. "And yet, you still like allowing him into power." I roll my eyes. "Your just a simp for Set, shut up." I lean my head back and let my eyes drift over to the bridge. And feel power course through me. Actually... Maybe we can do this in a better fashion.

I changed my outfit up a bit, changing up the eyeliner and giving it a blue shine. I changed into a different pair of ripped jeans and a dark blue shirt. I got a new jacket, with a strange design. According to Khonsu, it was "Divinus Magia with the ouroboros around it. The readers will understand." I'll never understand him. Either way. I pin back my long hair and fix my necklace before fastening on a grey choker with a triangle on it, the one that marked my bracelet moments before. Along with my typical bandages on my wrists. Those aren't for show anymore... I shake it off and look in the mirror. My eyes that were naturally Parakeet green have now become Emerald green. And my sky blue hair had now become a deep ocean blue and I can see it blackening at the roots. Lucas... "Come on Callum, you really thought I'd let you have all the fun?" I sigh. "I suppose not. Khonsu?" He grins mentally, don't know how he did that... "Cave." I freeze time and make my way out of Camp. Time to go challenge a god. That'll be fun.

I land with a soft thud and I hear Set cackling as he talks to himself. "Talking to yourself now? Aren't you lonely?" He turns, before glaring with a smile. "Cal? Isn't that unexpected." I hum. "Yeah, well I was done pretending." He cackles. I roll my eyes. "I don't know why you're so happy. You still failed. I'm still not working for you, and you didn't break me." He pauses. "Huh?" A devious smirk breaks my face and I freeze time, pinning him to the wall. It returns and his eyes widen. "It's quite simple really, either you work for me, or I kill you. And threaten camp all you want, not like I give a shit about them." He grins. "I like this new you." I hum. "Actually, it's an old me. And he likes to be referred to as Lucas. I suggest you answer me." He hums. "You kill me, you kill Ricarro." I shrug. "Actually. That's where you're wrong. You and I both know all that'll do is leave him stranded in the void." He glares. "Your no match for me." I hum. "You're the one chained to the wall." He tugs on his wrist finding it chained down. I smirk. "Moonlight chains. Oh, and Oroboros doesn't listen to anyone, so don't try and act like it'll be your pet." He hums. "I have the wand." I hold my hand out and it flies right into place. "This wand? Try again." He huffs. "What do you want?" I shrug. "I want you to swear a magical oath to me. Where you swear to follow my every command and everything you do is first run by me." He pauses. "A magical oath?" I nod. "Yes, magic older than you. You break it, and you'll feel unmeasurable pain." He glares. "Why would I listen to you?" I shrug. "If you don't, I'll add a god to my kill count. It's not like I'm trying to stop everything you do. Frankly, I like chaos myself. And I'm not the biggest fan of most of camp." He spits at me. I merely glare at him and shoot moonlight into his skin from where my arm was still braced on his neck. He whimpers. I hum. "You used to be friends with Khonsu weren't you? Moonlight burns under large concentration. I suggest you make a decision." He glares.

I hum, walking through camp aimlessly. "I can't believe that worked." Khonsu remarks. Lucas laughs. "Torture always works. It was fun wasn't it?" I roll my eyes but smile. "I wouldn't say fun. I'd say, entertaining. A little upset I couldn't do much." They laugh and start discussing what else we should do. I encounter Xylo and Nad talking. They glance at me as I approach. "You look like hell." Nad remarks. I sigh. "You'd think after being forced to work with Set Khonsu would give me a break. But he doesn't. He talks. All the time." I remark quietly. Xylo chuckles. "Is Khonsu that bad?" I nod lowly. He hums. "What did Set need?" I perk up. "Oh, he wants to bring me to this next meeting or whatever. I've kinda been acting... Broken or whatever. So he thinks that what he did worked so he doesn't force me to do it again." I remark. They glance at each other. "Meeting?" Nad remarks. I shrug. "I dunno. He doesn't exactly tell me anything. Just forces me to do his bidding." I remark, before glancing away. "Are you two done yet?!" I Snap before looking back up. Xylo hums. "Whatever it takes to stop Set. And this Meeting might help us figure out who else he has on his side." I hum, nodding. "How's it going with Momiji?" I question. He hums. "Well, I and Inpu have been going on the right track. But I think the key to everything is Set. Because then you can get Ricarro out, he can get Momiji back, then they can fight Drannus, and Bryan already has the Seductive Rose." Is that really what they think? I can feel my entire person darken. "Yeah right." I hum. "We are fighting literal gods, and we might have more enemies we don't even know of yet. I'm not entirely sure why you're so positive about this." Nad turns. "You okay Cal? Your entire Aura shifted." Xylo hums. "I'm just trying to be positive? What else can we do?" I shrug. "What can I say? I'm a realist." I remark lowly, ignoring Nad's question. Xylo's eyes widen. "Your hair is turning black." I grab a strand and see the roots have indeed begun turning black. "Lucas- back the fuck up before you got caught." He groans. "Your no fun." But I feel his presence recede, Khonsu following. My hair turns to normal and my entire being brightens up. I glance up at the two who are still staring at me in shock. I blink. "What happened?" They glance at each other. Xylo hums. "You can sense magical auras right?" I nod. Xylo hums. "Where by chance is Inpu?" I tilt my head. "His house. Why?" He takes my wrist and tugs me off. I wave at Nad. Now to play extremely stupid. This'll be fun.

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