Michael and Mario Part 3

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Michaels pov-
We all sat in a circle. "Okay! Michael, truth or dare." Silver chirps. "Dare." I shrug. He hums. "I dare you to sit in Ritchies lap for the rest of the game." I chuckle, moving over and sitting in his lap. His arms wrap around my shoulders and I just fold mine in my lap. I then turn. "Well then, Bri, truth or dare." She glances at Silver. "Truth." I bite my lip. "Who's your favorite guildmaster?" She chuckles. "I would have to say you. But Silver is a close second." Silver puts his hand on his chest and pretends to taint dramatically. "Your words, they wound me." She scoffs. "Take that back, he's just a second." We laugh. "I'm kidding." She rolls her eyes. She then looks up. "Ritchie. Truth or Dare." He hums, resting his head ontop of mine. "Truth." She grins. "What happened between you and your brother earlier?" Ritchie tightens his grip. I rest my hands on top of his. "I was working out like normal and Zaro got upset and thought I was over working or whatever. And he told my Brother and he got upset. They were just overreacting. And then he went on about how he was my brother and he knew me or shit." He rolls his eyes. Silver tilts his head, as does Bri. "He doesn't?" I smirk. "That's another question." He chuckles. "Well then, Silver truth or dare." Silver pouts. "Truth." Ritchie hums, moving to hide his face in my hair. "How'd you meet Maikeru?'" Silver sighs. "I encountered him in Alantide, near the Grandmasters home. He seemed sketchy so I followed him. I watched him rob the grandmaster. He did it so flawlessly. I wanted him in my guild to not only learn from him but to learn why he would do it in the first place." Oh. Good to know. Silver then grins. "Bri, truth or dare!" It circles around a few times, me being pretty much ignored. "Michael, truth or dare?" Bri asked. I hum. "Dare?" She grins. "Take your top off." I scoff. "Trying to see me shirt less Bri?" She laughs. "Nah, I see your more as a brother than anything." I sigh, moving Ritchie before standing up. I tug off my shirt and sash, sitting back in Ritchies lap. "How the hell do you have a 6 pack?!" Silver yells. I laugh. "I work out. You don't?" He blushes. Ritchie wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. "Surprising. The rest of us do." Ritchie shrugs. Austin whines. "What?" I hum. "Maybe I'll invite you. Show you the ropes." Ritchie chuckles. "I've got to the there for that." Bri gasps. "Me too!" I roll my eyes. "You just want to see Silver shirtless." The two blush bright red. "Ritchies going to see you shirtless!" Silver comments. His face goes bright red. I laugh. "Your all going to pass out. Blushing this much can not be good for your blood flow." I laugh. Bri was the only one able to calm down. "So, did anyone actually tell their guild where they actually were going?" I nod. The other two shake their heads. "No? My guild doesn't care." Ritchie shrugs. "They have another leader." I hum. "I told Brandon your with me. And that was all he got." Bri sighs. "Why am I surprised?" We laugh. "We all know Michaels the responsible one." Ritchie rolls his eyes. I pout. Bri pats me on the shoulder. "It's just because you have more responsibilities that you were given so much earlier than us." Silver looks back and forth. "What are you talking about?" Bri and Ritchie both look at him. I sigh. "I was an orphan. My parents left me at a very young age, and I raised myself. Up until the previous grimshade guild master found me. He told me that I was already guaranteed to be the leader, as he saw my potential. So he made me his personal assistant. But soon that became the fact that I was pretty much the guild master. Not to mention I also had to maintain my realtionships." I explain. He gasps. "Seriously?" I nod. Ritchie holds me tighter. "That explains so much!" Bri laughs. I chuckle. "Let's move on from this depressing conversation."

Bri and Silver had fallen asleep by now. I sat at the edge of the cave, watching the water sparkle. Ritchie sat next to me. Suddenly, his communication Lacrama lights up. He sighs, pulling it out. "What?" Brandon's voice comes over the com. "Where are you?" Ritchie rolls his eyes. "With Michael. Didn't he tell you?" Brandon sighs. "If you two over work yourself again I swear." I reach over and cut off the connection. Ritchie smiles at me. "I'm not letting him ruin your happy mood." He chuckles, leaning against me. "Thanks Michael." I grin. Ritchie reaches forward and put his finger tips in the water. Suddenly the water becomes brighter, and rises up, shining across the cave. I look up. "Woah." I mumble. He chuckles. I reach up and move my hand in a circle. The pattern slowly starts to move around. I rest my arms around Ritchie and he falls back against my chest. We sit there and watch the roof of the cave sparkle and shine. Demonas moves to sit on my shoulder, watching with us. Ritchie reaches up and pets Demonas absent mindedly. I glance over, and see Bri and Silver cuddling, Bri wrapped around Silver. I grin. Everything is fine. Everything will be fine. And we can relax.

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