Slushie Boys- FTO

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This will have mentions of You, Me and Mrs P and Season two. As I'm starting this season 2 is just starting. So that'll change progressively.
-Obviously, Sexual mentions.
-Cursing but I'll keep it to a minimum

If you end up liking this story it's an official book! Go check out Slushie boys, the book is under my profile! (It has more parts then what's in this book.)

Boats pov~
I sat in my room reading. I left my door open and I had tugged off my shirt. It was surprisingly hot in the house considering he's an ice mage. The doors suddenly thrown open. I look up. "What the he'll dude?" He grins. "I knew it!" He eyes me. i roll my eyes, seeing him in boxers. "Am I not allowed to sit in my room shirtless?" He grins. "Let's go!" He grabs my hand, tugging me up. "Can I put on a shirt first?!" He shakes his head. He drags me out of the house and to the training area. "I wanna spar!" I sigh. "David, you know I don't like using my abilities against you guys." He smiles. "I trust you." I pull my hand back quickly. "Don't. Don't say that." He frowns. "Why?" I shake my head. "Just don't." I lean back. "Whatever. You want to train?" He nods. "Yeah. Don't worry about it." He grins, steping over. "Let's go for it!" Red swirls in one of his eyes. Ah. That makes sense. He covers me in ice. The ice almost turns to liquid, not water, and melts around me. He frowns. "How did you even do that?" I shrug. I gesture my hand up, water swirling around him. He freezes it and it crumbles around him. He freezes my feet to the ground. I surround myself in water. It catches all of the spikes thrown at me. "Your going easy on me." I roll my eyes. I shift my hand up and he rises into the air. "How are you doing that?!" He yelps. I hum. "I manipulate water." I shake off the ice one my feet and walk forward. "Water is in your blood stream. Water is in the air. Water, is everywhere." I cross my arms. He freezes himself in a ball and drops. He then freezes the ground up to me. I feel the ice travel through my body. "David. Snap out of it or you will kill me." I hiss. He snaps back. "What the hell?" He holds his head. "He took over." I kneel next to him. "Relax. You didn't hurt me." He rubs his eyes. "I don't know how that happened." I hold out my hand. He stares at me for a moment. Before taking my hand. His eyes are wide. I pull him up. "You should get some rest. How did he even get control?" He blinks. "I'm... not sure..." I smile softly. "That's okay. Let's get you to bed." He nods lightly. I guide him back as he stares, dazed off. "Are you okay David?" He nods slowly. I bring him into the house. He slowly walks to his room. "Weird." I shrug, walking to my room.

I hear a knock on the wall downstairs. I open the door and walk down the stairs. "Ritchie? How can I help?" He hums. "In David here?" I shrug. "No idea." I turn. "David! You here!" I yell. Silence. "I'm going to go with a no." I turn. He hums. "Suprised your still living here. Mario lasted a day. Inmo lasted a week." I shrug. "We just, make it work. He's insufferable sometimes but it's become my life style." He hums. "I wanted to speak with you about David actually." I blink. "What about him?" He crosses his arms. "What is David like? Like, around the house?" I quirk up my eyebrow. "Uh... what do you mean?" He hums. "What does he do and routines?" He suggests. I hum. "Well, he's obviously very well known for walking around half dressed or fully undressed. Unfortunately. He likes to burst into my room randomly and drag me out for a run or whatever. On Friday he calls for Movie Nights." He nods. "What is your relationship with David?" I blink. "We're good friends? Why?" He hums. "David was found asleep in the guildhall. He had tear tracks on his face. And he kept mumbling your name." My eyes widen. "Is he okay?" He nods. "Yeah, of course." I hum. "Okay... I have no idea why he would do that." He grins. "We have suspicions. David has never acted like this around anyone but you." I blink. "What is that supposed to mean?" He smirks. "Don't worry about it." I hum. "Anything else you need to know?" He crosses his arms. "I have a quest for you and David." I blink. "How dangerous?" He shrugs. "S class." I nod. "But if your making us do this, if anything happens its your fault." I squint. "Sure. But I'm sure you guys will be fine." He hands me the task book. "This has the details. I want you guys gone by tomorrow." I hum. "Do you know where he is?" He shrugs. "Maybe in the guild hall." I nod. We walk out. I start walking off.

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