Fairy Tail Part 2

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3rd person-
Michael has been gone for a week now, no one has seen him. Lucifer and Demonas had lost touch with him, which concerned them but no one else knew. Bri and Brandon had grown upset with Ritchie and hardly talked to him. He was often out doing something, either it be a mission or grandmaster work. Austin had slightly grown control over his guild, and him and the others check on Grimshade often.

Michael's pov~
I wipe my eyes, watching the fish swim past. I won't cry. I won't cry. Some how I blocked out the others, so it was just me and the fish. I know the others haven't looked for me to much, they have their guild's to look after and mine. I just need to go back. I cover myself in shadows. Nope. Come on. Guess, I'll have to use my power. I push myself to stand up. I open the door and walk into the ocean. I swim to the surface, coming to land. I follow the path I made years ago. I reach the barren wasteland that is Grimshade. "When will Michael be back?" I hear someone ask. Colin. "We... We don't know. He left, and he may never be back.... But, Brandon can still detect magical energy, so he's somewhere in Alantide. We just don't know where. Were close to finding it." Bri. I walk inside and open the door silently. "You won't have to look far." I remark. Her eyes widen and she spins to face me. "Michael!" She jumps me in hug. I pat her on the back as she cries into my hoodie. Oh yeah, I currently wore sweatpants and a hoodie. "Your okay!" I hear Bren yell. I nod. "Sorry for my sudden departure. I just, need a break i guess." Bri pulls back, wiping her eyes. "I was so scared." She whispers. I hum. "I'm sorry. You guys didn't... like exile him or anything right?" She shakes her head. "He's often out doing something as Brandon says. I haven't seen him very much." Lucifer stands up. "Sorry to break this touching moment, but can I speak with you in private Michael." I nod. We walk into my office. "Demonas and I have both lost contact! What happened?!" He whisper yells. I look down. "I don't know. Everyone was cut off. Even Kathazar. I can't even access your abilities." His eyes widen. "What?! You don't think we lost connection do you?" I shake my head. "You wouldn't be alive still if we did." I pick up the book behind me, and walks out. Bri was talking on her communication lacrama. I sit on the chair. "I rest assure this won't happen again unless completely necessary, I do hope there wasn't many problems while I was gone right?" I eye them. Bren clears his throat. "We've run out of missions." I nod. "I'll get to that as soon as possible." Colin raises his hand, I turn my attention to him. "What's with the outfit change? I've only ever seen you wear on thing." I ruffle my hair. "Yeah, I'm not sure why, it just felt right." I reach down, ripping my sweatpants to show my guild mark. "Any how, you guys are dismissed." I stand up, Bri follows me into my office. "Where have you been?" She questions quietly. I sit down. "My home away from home. It's a glass box under the ocean pretty much." Her eyes widen. "Oh." I nod. I tug my gloves on more securely. The door is thrown open and Austin and Brandon run in. "Michael!" They both jump me in a hug. I hug them back. "Good to see you too." Brandon steps back. "You look horrible Michael." I hum. "Thanks." Austin feels my neck. "This isn't normal pulse." I grab his hand. "It is for me. Do to my connection with spirits it dulls my pulse. If it speeds up that when you should be concerned." His eyes widen. "Oh." I nod. Brandon runs his thumb under my eye. "How much food have you ate?" I stare at the ceiling silently. "I'll be back!" Bri rushes off. Brandon crouches. "I thought your nightmares were getting better. You look paler and the bags under your eyes are so bad." Austin tugs on my hair. "You also haven't showered." I pull my faded hair in front of my face. The purple had pretty much gone and my hair was long and shaggy. "Where is he?" I whisper. They meet eyes. "We don't know." Austin mumbles. Bri walks in with a sandwich. "Michael." I look up at her. She sits it on the desk before pulling me up. The other watch us with confused looks. "You know the drill, sleeves." She states. I reach down, tugging them up. She glances at my left arm. "Is that a bandage?" I nod. "It's not what you think, otherwise it would be bloody. You know this." The boys realise. "What about your legs?" Austin asked, leaning forward. I blink. "I am not stripping my pants." I pull down my sleeves. "Why the gloves?" Brandon questions. I stare at him blankly. "Why does it matter what I'm wearing?" I remark. His eyes widen. I sit back down, scanning my desk. "Please, I do have work to catch up on." I read through the papers as they walk out. Still nothing. I stand up. I close my eyes, I feel the shadows creeping over my figure but nothing. Nope. Damn it. "Kathazar why...." I hiss. I collapse in my chair. What happened to this connection? 4 entities are connected with my soul, I can still feel it but I can't talk with them. Even Kathazar. He's supposed to practicality be me but now I can't even use his powers?! I don't want to use Demonas, King kinda uses the same thing I have, Kathazar is inactive, and Lucifer.... I've never been very good at using his abilities. I clench my fist. I open my eyes and stand up, walking out. I walk through Grimshade and into the main city.

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