Homies- Full Homo (Part 2.)

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Part 2. More homo then last time.

Shinos pov~
I sigh, brushing my hair back. Blake really hasn't let this go. I sigh, my hair glowing into color. Kinda just burning into a yellow color. I lick my lip, humming. I move to cover up my stupidly pale skin and bags under my eyes. I've gotten used to my zombie ish look. Sleep always did come hard. And Kol certainly isn't helping. We'll, he is but I can't stop thinking about him. "Shino?" Rikku calls. "You ready to go?" I hum. "Be right there." I fix on my beanie, walking out. He's swaying in his skirt, smiling. "Come on!" He chrips. We walk up stairs, meeting up with Arty. "Sorry again for last night." He apologises. I hum. "It's fine. I fixed the stove." I gesture. Rikku gasps. "Already? Thank you!" He chirps. "Your fantastic!" He hugs me. I hum. "Yeah yeah. Let's get to class." We walk down the narrow path. "I hate walking." Rikku whines. I chuckle, stepping up the stairs. "It's good for you." Artemis hums. "It's not as bad as gym." I glance at him. Before I look forward again. I need some training today. Will I have time for that? "Oh I'll also be a club meeting!" Rikku chirps. "I'll be a little late to the dorm." I glance at him. "Oh yeah, I'm busy as always." Artemis blinks. "What do you even do?" I hum. "Uh I have a club meeting, some training, I have to meet up with Kol. Probably hang out with Blake. Not to mention doing whatever homework we have." I ramble off. "Shino, we haven't seen you eat in a while." Rikku frowns. "Are you sure your okay?" I glance at him. "Huh? Oh yeah, of course I am." I shrug, before picking up the pace. Can't be late for class. They chase after me. "Shino!" Artemis calls. I laugh, taking the stairs with ease. Idiots.

I scribble on the paper. Only paying slight attention to where I was walking. When someone bumps into me. I drop my pencil, catching the figure. I look up. "I suggest being a bit more careful of where your walking Mario." He stumbles back. "Ah, Shino was it? Sorry..." I grab my pencil off the ground. "Nah it's okay. I shoulda payed more attention myself." I start erasing the long line I made on my paper. "How have you been...? Especially after the whole, hitting you with my bike thing?" Mario plays with his glove. I hum. "Oh, fine. I forget the injury exists half the time." I shrug. He blinks. "That can't be healthy?" I chuckle. "It's a habit. Where I kinda just forget injuries exist." He taps his glasses and eyes me. "Injured your ankles recently?" He questions. I shrug. "Not recently, no." He looks up at me. "That doesn't sound like a good thing." I hum, closing my notebook. "Look dude. A mere ankle sprain or some blunt trauma to my ribs is the least of my worries." I chuckle. "It's really not something I'm concerned about." He hums. "Have you seen the nurse about this?" I shrug. "It's nice to see your worried Mario, but really, I'm fine." I glance down at him. "Hero's can't help people that don't want help." I walk off, opening my notebook again. I scribble quickly, seeing the paper be filled with messy ramble. I'll organise it out later. Someone falls into step with me. "Where you going?" David. "Taking the long route to the gym." I glance at him. "For practice?" He smirks. "Ah. Worried you were almost going to leave." I cross out the letters. "Nah." I tap the eraser on the paper. "I have to much to worry about to just dip out of the club meeting." He glances over my shoulder. "What are you even writing?" I glance at him. "None of your business." I shake my head, closing it quickly. I slide the pencil over my shoulder, holding the book to my chest. "Let's go." I duck down another path, heading for the gym. He follows. "Your rather fast." He smirks. I hum. "I'm just walking." He pushes open the door. They look at us. "Late." Kiyo scolds. I shrug. "Math ran over, student asked to many questions." I roll my eyes. David hums. "I followed him." He gestures to me. "Your here now!" Sensei smiles at us. I nod, flipping through the pages. I pause on the one page. "What's that?" Sapphire questions. I hum. "Planning!" I turn the messy scrawl for them to read. "Planning new members, what our positions will be, yada yada, nerd things." I shrug, turning it back to erase some lines. "You really are a nerd." David comments. I chuckle. "I have a lot to time to just think." David nods. "Anyway. Yes, I'm still getting the uniforms finalized."

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