Happy with you- Happier part 2

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Well, you asked for a part two. So why the he'll not? (I renamed it- it's not just a part 2 guys.)

Xylos pov~
I hum, walking down the path. Desperately trying to forget my dream. Dreams are worse then nightmares now a days. They give you a false hope. The belief that it's coming true. Just to wake you up with nothing. Nightmares at least you wake up and you know it's false. Know that it was a trick. Hurts. I hum, eyes scanning the buildings I pass by. Camp is... flashy now. I don't have the taste for it personally. "Hey Xylo!" Mario jogs next to me. "What's your plan for the year?" I hum. "I don't know yet." I remark. He nods. "Yeah, that makes sense. I'll have to go to Olympus for a while." I pause, blinking. "How long?" He hums. "Uh, probably anywhere from a week to a month." I nod. "That's... good for you." I force a smile on my face. He laughs. "Yeah, yeah. You and Kay can take care of the place while I'm gone! I'll hope to get it done as soon as possible, but currently I'm stalling before I leave." I hum. "Yeah..." I glance around. "Maybe i can help redo some of these cabins." He pauses. "You don't like them?" I shake my head. "Not a fan, no." He hums. "Well, maybe we can get you your own cabin." He laughs. I hum, smiling. "That does sound like a good idea." He laughs. We chat a little more as we walk.

That was the last time I spoke with him. Now here we are, two months later. We've done some renovations on camp. I had my own cabin now. It was wood like the old ones. We had expanded upon a now unused one. Obviously I did my own thing, decorated it myself. Otherwise everything was pretty what ever. We hung around, most people went to see their families and stuff. I myself was trimming down the tree next to my house. "Xylo!" Kayla calls. I hang down. "Hm?" She smiles sadly at me. "Today marks 2 months." I nod. "He should be home any day then shouldn't he?" I stare at her sadly. "We've been saying that for a month now Kay." She looks down. "It has to be true! He can probably see us right now." I sigh, dropping down. I look at her sadly. "Kay, hope will only lead to disappointment." She huffs. "I rather have hope then be like you." She gestures. "Your just sad, all the time." I hum. "I am." I stare at her. "I spend everyday, watching the repercussions of my greatest mistake ever. Knowing that even if I had the chance, i would never undo it." She frowns. I hum. "Sorry, that was irrational." I look away. "I should get back to trimming the tree." I climb up. She looks at his cabin which was collecting dust. "Should we... go to him?" I hum. "That won't be nessacary." I hear. She turns. "Mario!" She slithers out of my sight. I pause. Mario? I hang down. That is Mario! His hair is fully Black again. He's wearing a light yellow shirt and a black jacket with blue lightning on it. It was half zipped up. He still had his leaf things in his hair. And eyeliner? Okay then. He had a black lightning choker and some simple dark blue pants. And of course yellow sandles. Hm... hot as always. Kay turns. "You just gonna stay up there?" I hum. "Letting you two have your moment." Mario smiles at me. I drop, landing in a handstand and flip to my feet. I walk over. Mario looks at me. I slap him. He brings his hand up. "That's for being a dumbass." I remark before pulling him into a hug. "This is for worrying me idiot." I mumble. He glances at Kay. "I'm getting many mixed signals." She laughs. I pull back. "Well, start talking." I eye him. He laughs. "Yeah uh, there was a huge fight between Zues and Hera and it took so much longer then I wanted it too." He rubs his eye. Kay laughs. I move back to what I was doing. "What did I miss?" Mario questions. Kay hums. "Well Xylos been productive and done a lot of work around Camp." I lean down. "This is my cabin." I gesture. "This is huge." He remarks. I hum. "I expanded it myself." I move back to cleaning up the tree. Just so it doesn't fall on top of my cabin. "How much work have you done?" Mario questions. Kay sighs. "Fun fact. Xylo works when bored. Which is... often." I break the branch I was hanging on. Sending myself and it down. I easily catch myself flipping out of the way. "That was stupid." Mario remarks. I hum. "Eh." I shrug. Kay nods. "Yeah you wanna know how bored he's been?" He quirks up an eyebrow. She turns to me. I smile softly. "I started learning Japanese!" He pauses. "What why?" I shrug. "Because I have the time? And we have an Asian part of Camp, so why not?" I buck up the branch, carrying it to the back of my cabin. I return to the front, humming. "So, what now?" Mario shrugs. "Uh, I think I'm going to take a nap." I wave. He walks to his cabin. Kay smiles at me. "That's the first time I've seen such a genuine smile from you in a while." I hum. "It's nothing." I glance at her. "I'll keep working if you want to go see Diaval or something." She nods, slithering away. I talk to my cabin, grabbing a bag off my desk. Before returning to the tree. I drizzle the dust inside around the tree. It's from Coleus. To help heal over the cut spots. I hum, returning to my cabin. He's back... Mania returns tomorrow too. Something to do! Fuck yeah. I should get back to learning though. I glance at the door, smiling.

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