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I felt like it.
-David Angst?
-Kinda one sided David x Devin
- Also kinda Lucas x David. Take it how you will.

David's pov~
I could see the look in his eyes. He likes him.... Ritchie smiles. "Come on, let me show you around." They walk off. They'll be happy. A cute little couple. "David...?" Lucas turns to me. I glance at him. "I'm going to my place, keep an eye on Plant. Please." He seemed to notice the hidden storm in my eyes and nods. "I promise." I walk off, and once I enter my home a ice door forms behind me. Of course. It's always Ritchie. Maybe it's Brandon. Hell, maybe Lucas. But not David. It's never David. I close the blinds, stalking up to my bed. Why doesn't David ever win? Why doesn't David ever get anything? "Because your a hardass." I mumble to myself. "No one likes you. Your to bipolar, stand off ish." I move to cover the mirrors. "Everyone's had the same trauma. They took it so much better." I continue to whisper. Hell, Devin was taken over for 8 years, hurting all his friends. And now he's a fucking cinnamon roll! "He deserves so much better. Your an asshole. You deserve this." I grab the pillow off my bed, sitting on the edge. I bury my face in it. There's a knock on my door. "It's Lucas. I left a bag outside." He calls. Before walking off. I glance through my window. He's gone... Lucas understands me. He knows how I can get... I scramble down stairs, reaching out and grabbing the bag. Inside is a bouquet of fake flowers, that seem to been sprayed. I don't like real flowers during my down time. Make me sad... watching them die. But I hate fake flowers. I smile softly. I reach in, pulling out a few random sweets and such. My favorites. (Damn. Man period much?) I exhale. Thank God I'm friends with someone like him. Don't know what I would do without him. I take the items to my room, where I munch on a chocolate bar. Wallowing in my sorrows.

Lucas pov~
I spin the drink in my hand. "Where's David now?" Ritchie groans. I glance at him. "Busy." He blinks. "With what?" I eye him. "I said, he's busy." He nods slowly. Blake hums. "Am I missing something?" Kit sighs. "Sometimes David kinda disappears. We don't know why. Lucas just says he's busy and that's all we get. David will be back soon. And he won't say anything." Devin frowns. "Is he okay?" I glance at him before shrugging. "I don't ask okay? I know David. And I know sometimes, it's better I just step back and let him do his thing. He'll come around." I take a drink. Brandon hums. "You saying even you don't know what he's doing?" I glance at him. "Hm? Not exactly, no. It's not my business. Like I said, I just step back and let him be."

David's pov~
I grumble when I hear a knock on the door. "Hey... It's Lucas." I hear. "I'm going to leave you a small gift. Feel free to get it whenever you like." He calls. I smile weakly. I push myself up, wrapping the blanket around me. I stumble down the stairs, glancing out the window. He's gone... I reach out, snatching the clotg. I lean on the wall, picking up the note. "Hey David. It's me, Lucas. The others have been getting kinda worried... I mean I'm worried too but I get it. Your not in the mood. I'm just... checking on you. If you could write a quick note or something, leave it outside? Just to calm the others nerves. (And to let me know if there's anything else you'd like.) But yeah, below is a blanket. Uh... yeah. It's fluffy. I know you like soft fluffy things. And I just, thought you would like it. It's nothing special." Lucas... everything's special right now. He gets me. I sigh. Does he care? I glance to the house across from mine. Why would he? He has Ritchie. I sigh, grabing a paper and a pencil. Scribbling down quickly and messily. "Hey Lucas.. sorry I've been gone a while. Like you said, not in the mood. I'm glad I at least have someone like you that understands me. Thanks for the blanket. But I'm fine... I guess. (Uh, fruit. I'm running out of fruit. Preferably strawberries.) I like fruit... I fold it up, scribbling his name on the front. I rest the edge of it under a rock so it stays before leaving. He'll find it. I rush back up stairs, sitting in my chair and just looking at the house next to mine. I don't... I was such a dick to him. I hide my face. He probably hates me. Everyone hates me. God what is wrong with me? I drop my head with a thud. Damn it. I growl, before something shines in the corner of my eye. I...

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