Were back~ -Wildthorn

671 8 11

-Season 1 only
-First attempt at 3 way relationship
-May be inaccurate quotes.

??? Pov~
"Well, right over here." My partner grins. I hum. "This'll be a fun one. How long do you think it'll be until they notice?" He shrugs. "Well, we'll have to go further back in the timeline as they've died already, but who will you be choosing?" I lean back. "------ my go to, you know this. But then I'd have to be rather careful." He nods. "Alrighty then. Guess I'll choose You know who to make your life easier." I lean back, typing on the screen. "Let's get to it why don't we?" He nods.

Michael's pov~
I hum to myself, reading my book. "Michael, were home!" I don't acknowledge it. "Michael?" Ritchies voice questions. The words enter one ear and out the other as I sing quietly to myself. Before I'm tackled in a hug from both sides. "Michael, don't do that to us!" I rest my thumb in the page before holding it closed. "Don't do what?" I respond. Austin had hid his face as Ritchie pouts. "You ignored us!" I blink. "I did? My apologises." Austin looks up. "You feeling alright? Your acting nerdier than normal." I nod. "Yeah? I think I'm okay..." I look down at myself before looking up. They back up. "Why are you on the counter?" Ritchie questions. I look down at the kitchen counter I sat on. "Because I did?" I chuckle. "Your an idiot." Austin remarks. I slide off the counter. "Where'd you guys go anyway? I wake up and nothing but a note." Ritchie hums. "Well, I went to see Violet. Austin was already gone by then, and I ran into him outside. We talked for a while before heading home." I glance at Austin. He was looking at the ground. "Austin?" I prompt. He looks up. "Oh, I just went for a walk." Ritchie steps forward. "Are you okay?" He blinks. "What? Yeah?" He smiles. I lean over, resting my hand on his shoulder. "You sure? You can tell us anything." He nods. "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks." His face turns pink. Ritchie pulls him into a hug then I hug both of them. Austin in between us. He yelps, face pink. We sit in silence for a while. Before Ritchie pulls away. "My legs are tired." He groans. We laugh. "Lazy." I remark. He flips me off. "Shut up."  Austin laughs. "Did you skip leg day? Like, come on dude." I mean, my legs are tired to. But I'm not about to move. Ritchie scoffs. "Your the sporty one." I watch them banter for a little bit. "Michael?" I blink rapidly, snapping into it. "Yeah?" They both were looking at me now. "You were spaced out." Austin remarks. I smile softly. "Sorry." Ritchie looks at me. "How have you been standing so long Nerd?" I shrug. "Will power." They snicker. I look down. "I'm also leaning on the athletic one." Austin scoffs. "Seriously?" I nod. He moves, picking me up. I lock my ankles around his waist. "What are you doing Austin?!" I yelp. He shrugs. "Making life easier." He then picks up Ritchie. "This is why your the athletic one." He remarks. Austin shrugs. He drops Ritchie on the couch and turns so I fall back on the couch. He sits between us. Ritchie lays across our laps, and I lean on Austin. "You guys seem tired." He laughs. I move my hand to play with Ritchies hair. Austin makes his way out and turns on the t.v. and returns to us. I glance at him. He was looking at something. I notice Ritchie fell asleep. "You plan on telling me the truth?" I mumble. He glances at me. "What?" I keep my eyes on Ritchie. "Tell me the truth. You didn't just go on a walk this morning." He tenses. "I uh..." I glance up. "What? What's so bad you can't tell me?" He bites his lip. "Do I have to...?" I use my free hand to grab his. I press a kiss to the back of his hand, smiling. "No, you don't. I was just curious." He nods, face pink again. I hold on to his hand, turning my attention to the Tv.

I sigh, watching as the sun sets. I don't pay it much attention, my memory drifting to events that had occurred previously. I can't believe I hurt them... I can't believe I did those things again. I thought I got better. I was like this when I first met them, who knew i would relapse? I leave my arms to lay limp in my lap. That damned litch. He's ruined my life. The others don't understand. We were the big three. Nothing could stop us. I never wanted to go to this school. But look at me now. We aren't just the big three any more.  Violet, Burk, Litch, Sabrina... Before it was just us. We don't work with others, we don't focus on one enemy. I push myself up. Stumbling. I look around. Night time. I sigh, dropping back down. They won't notice. Ritchie will go see Violet and Austin will go on his walk or whatever. To think, he got upset he was alone. I've been alone this entire time. I don't want to be at the school anymore. I use my rending gale and fly to my home. I drop down, making my way inside. Empty as always. I change into my old clothes and drop onto my bed. I tug out my phone and send the boys a quick text.

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