Family -OoO

487 9 14

Bleep. I've been fixating on various tv shows from my childhood but you know, you still get Origins content.

-XyloxCal cause I do nothing else
-half asleep and writing this in one go, don't expect much
-So a while ago someone told me that my stories were hard to read so I kinda tried something new here

Cals pov-
I tilt my head, looking down at the book in my hands. God these stories are weird. Mythology makes no sense. I hear a knock on my door and glance up.

"Come in." I call.

It's opened to reveal Ricarro, who grins happily upon seeing me.

"Mom!" He chirps, rushing over to hug me.

I smile softly. "Hey Ricarro. What's up?"

I question, patting his back slightly until he pulls back, bouncing slightly on his feet. I take the moment to mark my page and close the book. Clearly I won't get any work done with him here.

"So me and Middle bro and Big bro were hanging out and then we found Xy-dad and we were just joking around when Big Bro accidentally launched him into a tree and now none of us really know what to do." He rambles off, gesturing wildly with his hands.

I sigh. "Common, show me to him."

I stand, making sure to grab my jacket before following him out of my room. He sing songs his usual hoppity skippity thing, seemingly not caring that Xylo is stuck in a tree. I leave my hands rested in my pockets, eyeing my surroundings.

We arrive at one of the larger trees in the back garden over looking the water, where the baseball field was a mere 5 or so years ago. Davis and Lychee are both standing at the base, looking up at Xylo who's dangling from some branches. Seems like his foot is stuck.

"I'm back with Momma." Ricarro chirps, coming to a stop next to them.

"Oh great. Nice to see you Cal." Lychee nods at me.

Davis only spares a glance at me. "Do we also have to call you Mom?" He mutters.

I falter, laughing. "To be fair I only officially adopted the other two and Lychee doesn't so no." He gives me a nod.

I follow their lead and look back up at Xylo,  who seems to just be glaring at us. "So glad you guys are bonding." He comments sarcastically, voice quiet due to the distance.

My smile softens slightly. "You alright up there?" I call up at him.

He crosses his arms, glare now focused on me. "Do I look alright?!" He snaps.

I grin happily. "You look fantastic!" I call back, watching his face then pink. That man does not know how to take a compliment.

Lychee sighs, nudging me. "We're not really sure how you were going to help but we had no ideas." He explains, arms naturally resting crossed on his chest.

I glance up at the sky, it's still daytime so that limits me. "Well let's see, hey Xylo can you get yourself unstuck?" I call. I suppose I could just slow his fall down, make sure he doesn't hurt himself with that distance.

He grunts, pulling himself up slightly. I watch him fumble for something. Before giving up and dropping again. "Not without burning my leg off." He calls back.

I nod. "Great." There goes that plan. Damn daylight making my creation powers weaker.

Davis winces, reminding me of their presence next to me. "Probably should have fetched someone who can fly."

Ricarro pouts. "How many people even fly anyway?"

I sigh. "I got this." They probably don't know I can fly either. Not my problem.

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