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story line. I also don't own any songs. this takes place before kody knew lumine was a werewolf.

lumine pov~
I look up at kody, who had pushed me down in a fit of anger. I get it, it's been a week, he still hates me. I smile brightly anyway, not even caring. he might hate me but I still care about him. I snap my head side, "something or someone is here" I mutter, standing. he looks at me, the cat wrapped around his neck. ive stoped wondering. Aiden walks out, his hands up. "it's just me. you have good senses lumine." he says. I look down, waiting for him to continue. "dinners ready. me and the other's are leaving afterwards." he says. "the other's and i" I say, then follow the silent kody. I am his body guard after all.

-after dinner lumine is in his room-

I stare out the window. ""No thank you" is what I should've said" i look at the bed. I should be in bed... I sigh, sitting on the edge of it. "But temptations of trouble on my tongue, troubles yet to come"

I stand up, open the window and jump out. I'm only on the first floor. I wonder through the woods, i wonder if kody will worry? probably not. he hates me anyway. hate me, hate me. of course he hates me! I'm just an annoying freak his dad paid to follow him around. I punch on of the trees, leaving a big dent but it doesn't fall. I sit down against a tree near it, all I live for, is keeping kody alive. all that I care about in life is kody. I transform into my werewolf form, kody... I transform back and walk back to the house. it was almost morning, so I slip in my window and write a quick note, walking out the door. I transform into the tiny wolf pup and sit near kody's door. hidden obviously.

I wait until he walks out, then I follow him. I follow him around the house in the morning, not being seen by anybody. then when he actually goes to breakfast aiden says something, "where is lumine?" he asked. kody shrugged, "haven't seen him all morning" he says. Aiden stands, mostly everyone was finished anyway, "let's go kody" he says. "what?" kody asked, following anyway. I follow behind, they walk into my room. the window was still open and they read my note.

"this looks like it was scribbled down fast. also, what does it say at the bottom?" Aiden mumbles. kody picks it up, "it's terranian." he mumbles. "what?" Aiden looked at him. "terranian. it's the native language in terranevo, where he's from. he wouldn't shut up about it one day, said he wanted us to be able to talk in secret." kody explained. I smile and blush at the memory, "so do you know what it says?" Aiden asked. kody nods, so he did listen. "don't worry, i will still be caring for kody. just, hidden" kody reads. "what does that mean?" Aiden thought aloud. "wait a second" kody speed walked out of his room and into his own. Aiden followed, a confused look on his face. did kody keep the notes, i wonder. "through the week lumine has constantly given me notes in terranian. I had kept them for when I learn the language. and now I have, maybe these could help us?" kody says. I smile, considering I left two everyday, his extra has already been given today.

"the world..." "only you..." "everything" "you are everthing" "... only thing that matters" kody looks up, "some have words I can't understand, other's I don't know at all." he says. Aiden looks over his shoulder, "I'll get someone to translate this for us." he says, walking out.

so that's how my week went, I still haven't been found. I haven't sleep in a while, and I eat only at night. the translator couldn't figure it out, because it's not a language they've ever seen. it's backwards. I'm now sitting under the seat on the bus, because kody is going to school. I heard Aiden and sherry talk about how much sadder kody has been. I wonder why? either way I follow kody out of the bus and to school. all was fine, until recess. I grew angry when he got shoved to the ground by calla. she started insulting him, i transform. "I would appreciate if you didn't do that" i growl. she turns to me, "you think I'm scared of a pathetic weredog?! hah!" she laughs and casts a spell at me. it deflects, i run up and grab her by the neck. "the next person to hurt kody, is dead" I growl, throwing her to the ground. they run off. I look at kody, he looks at me with shock and fear. "my job here is done. see ya later" I say, transforming and disappearing into the forest. he stands up and walks into the forest, towards his house.

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