Monopoly - Grian+Scar?

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Okay so- this is 100% an idea I stole from someone on Ao3. But, I don't remember their tag so if anyone knows please comment so I can give creds :)
(The story ended with them drinking margaritas- if that helps.)

Grian's pov-
I would like to say this was a surprise. We lived such a normal life, living off some medium wage jobs and spending our time together playing cards and things. But, well it's Scar. And you don't live with someone for almost 5 years and still get surprised about things like this. "Grian." Scar remarks. I blink, looking up from the board. "Scar?" He smiles at me, moving his character. "I'm gonna join the Mafia." I falter. "What?" He nods. "I'm gonna steal a yellow life car and pawn it off." He smiles. Everyone knows that the Mafia works in levels. Green lives are usually the pawns, the low level drug dealers. Yellows are middle class, they may run a few places but they aren't stupid enough to try a red life. A red life, a red life is dangerous. Your luckily to live an encounter with them. And Scar wants to steal a car. "And why are you telling me this?" I question. He shrugs, smiling. "Well if things go wrong, I don't want you to bail me out." He chirps. I lean on my hand, glancing between him and the board. I reach forward, grabbing the dice. He watches silently as I toss them to the side, before moving my piece just over his properties and landing on the bonus square. I shift so my arms are rested on the table, looking up at him again. He's grinning. "Fine, but I'm going with you. You can't drive to save your life. Literally." He cheers.

So yeah. Stealing a car to join the Mafia with Scar, this almost seemed like this was what we were supposed to do. Even now, running from the police. "Oh I love yellow lives." Scar laughs, pulling a disarmed explosive from the glove box. "Scar, you are horrible with explosives don't you dare." I hiss. He grins. "What else should we do?" He laughs. I glance at him before smiling. "You weren't wanting to keep this car were you?" He laughs loudly. "Nope!" I nod. "Good." I spin around a building. We end up in a McDonald's drive through. "Right, so a twenty piece chicken nugget." I give. "Orea mcflurry." I add at Scars nudge. "Anything else?" I look at him. He shakes his head. "And a 10 piece happy meal." I chirp. The lady puts up on screen, yada yada. "So how do you plan on getting us home after we blow up this car?" I question. He shrugs. "We steal a new one?" I nod. "Sick." We slip out of the car and walk over to hotwire a new one. I walk over to arm the explosive, genuinely not really caring how many other people's cars are in range. I return to Scar to find he has a license plate in hand. "What did you do?" I question. He grins. "Well if we're the only car who leaves after the bomb they'll see our license plate on camera. So we drove a bit then change out out." He explains, slipping into the car. "Wow you are smarter than I thought." I point out. He sputters. "What?!" I smirk, revving the engine. "Common Buddy, we're gonna go home now."

I lean back on the wall. "You wanna do what now?" I blink, nibbling on a cookie. Scar bounces in place, standing in front of me. "I want to monopolize alcohol. Its one of the biggest industries right now. Once we have a handle on that, then we could monopolize so many things." He laughs. I blink. "Scar your already on yellow, how do you plan on doing that exactly?" He shrugs. "Asking." He grins. I sigh, shaking my head. "God how did you live this long?" He laughs. "It's quite simple. I have you." He nudges me. I roll my eyes. "I, am going out. Make sure that if you leave you throw on your disguise." I remark. Scar laughs. "I won't get caught Grian I know it." I heard for the door, glancing at him. "You better not, because were invested now. Your just luckily everyone thinks I'm the get away driver." He smiles. "Thank you Grian." I can't fight the smile.

I sit up on the desk silently, a new found weight resting on my side. Scar grins happily. "So, I went about. And I spoke with Skizz. He is a green life who works closely with Etho the yellow life. Skizz is definitely low level. But Etho plays a good hand in everything, including, Tangos club." He chirps. I blink. "As in, Crastle?" He nods. "Mhm! Tango was the easiest way to get in. If we manage to convince him to let us in, we're golden. Bdubs would be scared of us that green life. It's Impulse and Cleo we need to worry about." Scar explains. I lean on my hand. "You saying you can't talk your way out of working with Impulse?" I question. He flushes. "Of course I can! Cleo however would be a problem." I nod. "She will. But we'll be able to work around it. So, what's your plan?" He grins. "We'll step one is we get in. Step two, we mess some stuff up." I tilt my head. He laughs. "What? We gotta work through the grape vine." I sigh. "Scar you are horrible at poker. And most card games." He smiles. "I am! But you have a great poker face and I'm a wonderful liar." I shake my head, hopping down. "Scar don't you think your pushing it? Just a month ago we had just stolen a car for the first time. With malicious intent anyway." He smiles. "Well yeah, but you gotta realize Grian, we're really good at this! This is what we were meant to do!" He grabs me by the shoulders. "Grian we are going to take over the underworld." I stare at him for a long moment. "Scar, you are going to get us killed." I comment. He pauses. "So? Grian we have nothing to loose but each other." He smiles happily. I stare at him for a moment. He just stares back. "This feels like a guilt trip." I remark. He chuckles. I gotta be honest. Scar is all I have. And being in the Mafia has kinda been a lot of fun. It's kinda scary how far I would go for this idiot. "If we're going to become serious about this Scar, we have a lot to do." I remark. He blinks. "Like what?" I smirk. "Moving out of our run down apartment. And getting identities. We need a way to not be arrested. Whether Scar and Grian is us normally, or us at work." I remark. Scar grins. "I knew befriending you was a good idea." I roll my eyes. "Your a crazy man Scar, don't make it too hard for me to keep you alive." He laughs loudly.

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