Dude -Part 2!

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Alternatively titled, "fuck you, I have a problem."

-ha, will this be just as angst? Or happy ending? I have no clue!
-i loved the support I got on the last one, so quick too- y'all are amazing

"I'm sorry Artemis. I love you." His eyes widen as I adjust my position. The air is harsh against my back as I cut through it, making sure the note is still secure in my pocket. Glad the last person I ever saw was Artemis smiling. Before I stop falling. Its extremely painful for a moment as I remember hearing screams. Before everything's numb, and it all blacks out.

Shino's pov-
His image is so bright among the darkness. The numb feeling is strange. I would say nice, but I cant tell. Because it's really just nothingness. His image fades from my mind, and everything really is blank. Suddenly I can see myself, laying there. Blood splattered all over me. Ah, not a look I'm unfamiliar with. I can hear screams as blurry figures run up. My ears pick up a lot of sounds. And I can feel the faint touch of wind. And I watch as my phone crashes next to me. The device shattering upon landing. Am I dead? What doesn't make sense to me is that I'm not happy. I'm not content. But I'm also not sad. I turn, walking past the people and police rushing over. I pause when I see Artemis run past. Rikku on his heals. I turn, following them. An officer holds him back as he collapses. "I'm his boyfriend- please. He called me just before he killed himself." Artemis sobs. Rikku follows. "And what's your relationship to him?" The officer looks at Rikku. "Dormmate and friend." Friend? I watch tears slide down their faces. Oh. I look back at my body, watching them take it off. Huh.

I become aware of the blanket around me, and the sheets below me. Their warm, from me. And my hair messy. Oh... I push myself up, looking around my room. It's hot. Really hot. I reach over to take my phone. It lights up. I'm awake. So I only imagined it... I push myself up, shrugging off my jacket. It's too hot. I drape it over the chair. I move to the bathroom, washing out the wounds on my wrists before replacing the bandages. I rinse off my cheek gently. I undo the bandage on my shoulder, revealing the still, pretty bad bruise. I turn, pulling up my shirt. Also bad. I drop the shirt. I brush my hair slightly before turning my beanie over the mop. I pull myself up stairs. The sun's not even up yet. I walk over to the couch, pulling on a show. I lay down, is the heat on...? I drape my arm over my chest, shivering. Yet I'm so hot. Am I sick? I hate sickness. I reach over to grab a carmel off the table, tossing it into my mouth. Before settling again. That's all I do for a while. For about... 3 hours. When I hear footsteps. "Arty, hey!" Rikku chirps. "Hey Rikku. Is Shino awake?" I merely shift my position. "Look! Tvs on!" They walk over. They're both still in PJs. Artemis smiles at me. "You don't look too good." He kneels down. "Everything okay?" He mutters. Rikku frowns. "You look sick." I hum. "I think I got a fever." I mutter softly. Rikku reaches forward softly. "Your burning up." She frowns. "Your injuries are much worse then I remember." Artemis mutters. I shrug. "I don't know. I'm tired." Rikku hums. "Get a nap." She smiles, stepping back. I shrug. Artemis gives me a side hug. "We'll let you sleep." I hum. "I won't be able to sleep." He blinks. "We can make you some food... Why wouldn't you be able to sleep?" I look past him, at the wall. "I didn't sleep much last night either. When I did I had a very vivid dream. Whenever I close my eyes it comes back. I can't get rid of it." He blinks. "Sounds like a nightmare." I hum. "See that's the thing-" I cough. "I don't know if it was a nightmare or a dream." He pauses. I sigh, suddenly feeling lightheaded. Woah, it's like my bodies suddenly catching up with everything. I bring my hand to my head. Before looking at Rikku. "Can you get me a bin...? Just in case..." I mutter. She nods quickly. Artemis rubs my arm. "Let me know if we can do anything for you." I nod.

I was sick for the rest of the day, and it sucked. I got a couple get well soon cards thanks to Artemis and Rikku. I hear loud knocking on the door. I'm home alone. "Come in!" I call, coughing. I glance up. Kol and Blake. Blake rushes over. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick!" I glare. "Because I didn't know until this morning. And I don't know where my phone is." Kol laughs. "How don't you know?" I shrug. "When it rings it sounds like it's everywhere, and I've been really dazed all morning. It has voice control so I'm not worried." Blake pauses. "Your shoulder..." She reaches over. I let her touch the bruises. I hum. "Yeah... It was pretty bad for a while but it's healing." Kol pauses. "Is this about..?" I nod. "I can heal my bones, but not a dislocated shoulder. Hurt like a bitch to push into place." I shrug, coughing again. I grab my water. "And bandages on your wrist. You just like being a mummy." Kol remarks. Blake laughs. "Oh yeah! He got into a really bad fight when we were younger and he came to class all bandaged up. And because he didn't have any doctors excuse or note, the teacher flipped out and sent him to the office." I snicker. "I then blackmailed my teacher into buying me candy for like, a week after that." Kol laughs. My phone starts ringing. Blake reaches over to grab it off the couch. "Big man?" She reads, confused. I hold out my hand. She sits it down. "It's a code name." I mutter before answering. "What do you want?" I groan. "Woah, you sound like shit." I roll my eyes. "Yeah, and I feel like shit. Seriously, why are you calling?" He hums. "I have to talk to you Sunshine." I sigh. "I'm sick if you couldn't tell. I can call you back some other time, and we can talk." He grumbles. I shush him. "Ey, I can still hit you." Blake and Kol snicker. "Whatever. Mister all powerful, "I'll hit you"" He mocks. I hum. "You do remember I have enough blackmail to send you and your entire group to hell and back right?" He hangs up. "Who was that?" Kol laughs. I sit the device down. "An asshole." I sip on my water again. "Oo- carmel's." Kol snatches one. I chuckle. "Flex also wanted to come with us, but I figured he shouldn't so he made you this." Kol hands me a note. I take it. "Yeah... On that topic, when you get back can one of you hit him for me?" Blake sighs. "He can't feel it." I snicker. "Just say that this is from Shino before hitting him, trust me." They laugh. I try to follow but I just start coughing. I pull my hand away. Fuck. I drop my hand. Blake frowns. "Have you taken any medicine?" I quirk up and eyebrow. "We don't have medicine here Blake. We hardly keep up with groceries." She sighs. "We're going to go get you some medicine." They walk out. I rub my hand on the bandage, and by time they return I'm out cold.

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