Who are they? -We are we

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??? Pov-
I step through the maze of hallways. "Dude, you should try these." He waves something in the air. "The he'll is that?" He shrugs. "It's called, Ice pop." He grins. I sigh. "Yes, I've heard of those. You have an obsession with human food." He shrugs. "It's good." He eyes me. "Can't you change out of the suit? You know I prefer it when your out of it." He groans. I sigh. I snap my fingers. In case your wondering, I had light purple hair, and fair skin. There's fire like marks on my cheeks, that are hardly visable. My hairs pulled back in a short pony tail. I now wore a pair of skinny jeans and a sweater. The sleeves were on my shoulders exposing my entire collar bone. The sweater was a light blue that faded into a dark blue. On my neck i have a choker that looks like vines weaving together around my neck. There's a flower on the front  that's black. My sweater had long sleeves that went over my hands slightly. I wore some blue boots. I am 6.5 in height. I tap the heal of the boot against the floor. "Better?" He nods. He was 5.10 in height, and had black hair that faded into white. His eyes were white and had a rainbow shimmer in the light. He wore a baggy hoodie, that's a faded rainbow color. There's a black shirt below it. He wore sweatpants that were grey. He wore some basic tenis shoes that were black. He had a grey beenie. He had bags under his eyes. I forgot to mention, I have a pair of light purple round glasses. "Where to next?" I question. He shrugs. "I mean, I'll just chill for a while. The world's are getting boring." I laugh. "It's our life. Our purpose. How does it get boring?" He sighs. "Yin, you know why." I glare. "You know I don't like you calling me Yin." He crosses his arms. "Just accept it. Your Yin. I'm Yang. We both know this. I can only use my power so much, unlike you." I cross my arms. "I can't use my power much. I call you X. You can call me by my name." He sighs. "Matrix, you can't deny the truth." I roll my eyes. "Truth and positivity is your thing. I'm lies and distrust." I take a deep breath. "I'm going to go let off some steam. You enjoy your food." He nods. "Don't break anything." I roll my eyes.

I yawn. Always so tired. "Michael! Your late." I look up. "Yeah, whatever." I yawn again. "You didn't sleep again did you?" Bri frowns. I shake my head. "Nah." Nightmares always haunt my dreams. "Michael, I told you to come get me if that happens." Ritchie frowns. I shrug. "Let's just continue the meeting?" I gesture to master Jonathan. "They don't deserve this." Shut up. "Your a monster. Destroying my life." Trust me, I know. After the council meeting, I return to my office. "You've been acting weird recently." Ritchie frowns, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah... I guess everything's just finally taking affect." He smiles. "Liar." Shut. "If you say so. Just know I'm here if you need it." I nod. "I know." I blush. He grins. "Fraid I have to go. Duty calls." I nod. "I understand. Go." He rushes off. I sit on the chair. I'm to out of it. "Wish you could be out of my body." I didn't allow this last time. How come he's fighting me more this time then last time? X appears before me. "Matrix, this dimension's collapsing. We have to go. Now." I stand up, leaving the body on the chair. "Fine."

We appear back in our world. "How did the universe collasp?" I question. He shrugs. "I don't know... Why was he still fighting you?" I rub my eye. "I don't know. I think I was just to out of it." He frowns. "Matrix... your never, out of it." He uses air quotes. "What's happening?" I collasp in his hold. "Yin!" Your probably confused. All will be explained in due time.

But not in my pov. Let's switch why don't we?

X's pov~
This is new. Hello readers. I move to rest Yin on my couch. There's a few reasons why he could have collasped. The most likely one is because he over used his abilities, he doesn't rest like I do. I rest my hand on the metaphysical wall, my eyes glowing. The walls slowly become darkened, and I pull my hand away. "He's so going to kill me." I groan. I move back to his side. I crunch on some chips while I wait for him to wake. I look around. These walls are blank. Everything in the inbetween is blank. Because the sole focus is the gateways. The gateway, is what we use to access stories. Funny isn't it? Here, we see the popular gateways. We see the ones people like, and the ones we like. She then makes more like it. She, is our author. Our creator. I've never seen Her, neither has Yin. But she creates the gateways. She also gets rid of them. The one probably collasped cause she lost interest. She couldn't continue it. That happens often. There's so many doors. I wish you could see them.... Yin is the only one that's always been there for me. We've been going through so many stories, and no one sees us. But now, everyone will know.

Everyone will know our names.

I watch as Yin opens his eyes. While mine are a pale shimmering white, his is a vast eternal galaxy. I love them. "You awake." He groans, bringing his hand up. There's a sketch of a flower on the back of his hand. Just lines, no color. Something I made him add a while ago. "Of course I'm awake." He rolls his eyes. I smile. "I'm glad!" He sits up. "Why is this story still progressing? We're out of events to do." I shrug. "Their hoping they come up with something. As to not leave it at 1000 some words." He rolls his eyes. "Can we just tell the author to stop?" I shrug. "The author is telling themself to stop by writing this." He laughs. "Truth. Maybe we just end it?"


Madam Author likes to give dramatic endings. I also enjoy giving myself random pronouns as a gender fluid person.

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