Slushie Boys- Part 3

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It's here! The wedding and other events I like to make before the main one. But guys, Important question. What's Plant's gender/ pronouns? David calls them Son, others call them child, they have (typical) appearance of a female and a femine voice. I'm confused.

If you end up liking this story it's an official book! Go check out Slushie boys, the book is under my profile! (It has more parts then what's in this book.)

Lucas pov~
David and I had fallen asleep there in each others embrace. I woke up before the sun had risen again. I stand, picking him up. He curls into me. I start walking home. I drop him off in his bed. And check on Plant. I haven't seen them in a while. They were awake and drawling when I walk in. "Momma!" They yelp. I laugh, kneeling down. "Yeah. You can call me that." They hug me. "Sorry I haven't seen you in a while sweetheart. I've been a little busy." I ruffle their hair. "I'm sure David and Blake and Kit were taking good care of you." They smile. "Plant." I laugh. I sit and play with them for a while. The door is pushed open and I glance back. "Dad!" Plant jumps up, hugging him. "How's my favorite two people doing?" He grins. I hum. "Pretty good, were together aren't we?" He moves to sit next to me. "That's pretty bad." He laughs, looking over my shoulder. I scoff. "I never claimed to be good at drawing. And I was more focused on Plant. Your the artsy type." He leans on me. "Blood looks better on you then paint does anyway." I laugh. "How should we tell the others?" He shrugs. "Well you said you told Ritchie and Brandon. The instant they see the ring they'll freak out and everyone else will probably catch on." I laugh. "Those two like to fangirl don't they?" He laughs. "Fanboy, but yes." I smile at Plant. "What should we do today, fiancé?" He laughs. "I don't know, fiancé. What do you want to do?" I smile, playing with his hair. "We have a training session today." He blinks. "We do?" I nod. "You, Me, Ritchie, Brandon and Mario. Ritchie scheduled it a while ago. Since were some of the highest ranked individual's in the guild." He laughs. "Don't we have dodge the lightning bolt as well today?" I shrug. "Probably?" I take his hand. "Wait a minute." He turns. I pull off my glove and hold up my hand. "The string. It's gone." There was now just a band of blue on my finger. "Maybe it's to symbolize your ring? Because I have one and you don't, and were connected physically now." I reach over, tugging his ring up. There's a faint line of blue I didn't see in the sun lighting last night. "Holy shit." He laughs, smiling. "A true family."

I drop down. "Hope I'm not late." Everyone but Mario jumps away from the cloud I formed. "Nope, your on time." Brandon remarks, eyeing me. Ritchie grins. "Where David?" I shrug. "Should be here any minute." Low and behold. "How have you gotten faster?" He slides to a stop. I laugh. "Get on my Level Sweetheart." Ritchie walks over, eyeing him. Before suddenly yelling. "Fuck yeah!" David and I burst into laugher. "Am I missing something?" Blake questions. Brandon smiles. "I'm happy for you two." David merely holds up his hand to show off the ring. "That's fancy. How the he'll did you afford that?" Mario, being the calm one, questions. The girls were freaking out. "A lot of grueling quests." I remark. Brandon nods. "Divinus Magia is back on the board thanks to it though. And we made a decent dent in our debt." Ritchie also happened to be fangirling. "I don't get it?" Inmo questions. "They're engaged dumbass." Mario rolls his eyes. David leans into me. "How romantic was it?" Kit questions. David laughs. "Very. He brought me to the pretty lake and we watched the sun set, and he proposed while the sun set." I look down. "I stayed up all night making sure everything would be perfect." I laugh. David hums. "Well it was." Ritchie grins. "Who's Top?" He calls. David turns a deep red. I turn pink. "Do you even need to ask that?" I question, quirking up an eyebrow. "Yes! I want to know now." Blake gasps. I whisper to David. "You want me to take the fall?" I whisper. He huffs. "They don't need to know." I laugh, shrugging. "As you wish." I turn. "Aren't we supposed to be training or something." Ritchie nods. "Dodge the lightning bolt." He hums, looking at Brandon. "Who all needed it?" He hums. "Pebble, Snowflake, Blake." I step in. "Ima join, i have a trick I want to try." David groans. "Try not to be caught on fire Blake." Blake's eyes widen. "She a lightning mage. She'll be fine." Ritchie starts up a storm as Mario walks over. "This will not be fun." Ritchie laughs. "Hope your reflexes haven't slown since last year." I smirk. "Hope your powers haven't diminished since last year." He grins. "I have to go easy on the newbie." And the lightning strikes where I used to be standing. We all burst into sprints. Us three guys push Blake out of the way several times. Slowly Brandon adds in a tornado. I use it to pull me away faster. Ritchie comes to a stop and Blake sits. "What the he'll was that?!" She yelps. I shrug. "Dodge the lightning bolt. Be lucky he has to go easy." She spins. "Easy?!" I nod. "He can't go to heavily. Your still a newbie." He walks up. "And a singular strike of lightning could kill you in an instant." I shrug. "I'm not afraid of death." I turn. "Come here!" I call, Mario and David walk over. I hold out my hand. I watch as they dry out at a rapid pace, along with myself. "That's new." Mario remarks. I nod, pulling my hands back. "It's probably a waste considering well be training later anyway, but whatever." Ritchie laughs. "Don't use to much energy there Lucas." I turn. "If course not! If I fall asleep Galrin will have her way With you! The only people she wouldn't severely injure is David and Plant, and I need guildleaders." I laugh. David rests a hand on my shoulder. "Sweetheart." I turn, meeting his eyes before shaking my head. "I did the thing again didn't I?" He nods. "Damn it." He carefully pets me and I lean into his embrace. "This is just, a normal thing?" Ritchie questions. David nods. "I get small sparks of insanity as I like to call it. David normally snaps me out of it before it escalates. Because Galrin can easily take control." Especially now that the seal is broken. Ritchie hums. "That... makes so much sense now." Blake stands up. "Just how dangerous are you Lucas?" I hum. "Around David? About a 5 out of ten." Kit leans over her shoulder. "When David's not around?" I glance at her. "15." My eyes flashing yellow. "Your scaring them." He cooes. I sigh, leaning back more. "Just telling the truth." He nods. "I know." He plays with my hair. I close my eyes. "Grand magic games will be fun." Ritchie remarks. I laugh. "Are you tired? You woke up really early this morning." David questions, whispering into my ear. "I guess." I shrug. He sits down and keeps me in his lap. I just sit and enjoy his embrace. "You got a good one David." I hear Brandon remark. "Yeah... Don't know how I got so lucky." A figure sits next to us. "You should have seen his face when he approached me and my brother. He was so scared. Obviously, i wasn't just, not going to help him. He snuck out at night to take as many quests as possible to afford this thing. Surprised you didn't notice." David laughs. "That sounds like him. He doesn't give up once his heart is set on something." Brandon sighs. "I worry about him soemtimes. We don't know what's happening in his head, or what he's feeling. He's so good at keeping it hidden." David sighs as well. "Yes, I've grown to know him well, but even I don't know everything. I just make sure he takes care of himself and try and make him as happy as possible." I would keep listening but Galrin is pulling me back.

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