It's your boy - Short Stories

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We're doing this again. Same deal, short stories with incorrect quotes. I do something a bit new towards the end tho.

Superhero Legacy
Starting off strong with a throw back from hell.
-This is entirely off loose memories. Tho Austin does still have most of the series up if you wanna rewatch

Michaels pov-
I trail after Ritchie. It's a bad day, I can already tell. He's wearing shorts and nothing else, drifting through the house aimlessly. I bark, nudging his leg. Now a days what Ritchie and I have so different... I can very vividly remember calling them my best friends and being laughed at. But now... I think without each other Ritchie and I would be dead. I don't know what happened to Mario or Austin but I don't... Really care? Austin was an asshole, and Mario didn't want to hang out with us in the first place. Besides, I like being a dog. And I like being here with Ritchie. He cares for me like this. Like really cares. "Scruffy?" He whispers. I nudge him in the direction of the kitchen. He hums lowly. "Not hungry." I bark angrily. He pauses. "Your hungry?" Okay being a dog is fun but the whole not talking thing gets annoying sometimes. I nod. He chuckles, fetching me some food. He leaves it on the counter and I hop up. He pats my slightly. Lightly grab him, careful not to dig my teeth into his hand. I tug him over to the counter. "What?" He mutters. I bark, jumping over to his seat. I look up at him. He sighs. "I'm not hungry." I bark at him. He crosses his arms. "Your not doing this." I look up at him before letting out a whimper. Puppy eyes. Fuck you. Do my bidding. He groans. "Must you always force me to take care of me?" I bark nodding. My tail sways happily. He shakes his head, making himself cereal. I hop back to the counter so he can sit down. "I hate you sometimes Scruff." He points his spoon at me. I bark. He chuckles.

I sit silently on the couch, watching Ritchie answer the door. "Hey. I'm Brandon. Principal sent me." He starts talking. I lean on my paws. New guy... Somethings coming. I can feel it. In my fur. "Brandon, this is Scruffy." Ritchie chirps, walking over. He scratches behind my ear. I bark happily, tail swinging wildly and panting. He chuckles. I listen loosely to them talking. Honestly dog memory, I don't care much. "Scruff watch the house, Brandon and I are going out." Ritchie deadpans. I bark, walking to the edge of the couch. I perch carefully so I can see the steps to the door. "That's... Did you teach him that?" Brandon remarks. Ritchie shrugs. "I tell him to watch the house and he does this. He's a really smart puppy." I bark. They walk off. I'm tired. But I have to watch the door... It's my job. They return not long after. "Scruff." Ritchie calls, tapping his leg. I jump forward, standing at his side. He chuckles. We walk off. I look around, smelling something... New? But familiar. "Somethings up with your dog." Brandon points out. I nudge Ritchie, who looks down at me. "Scruff?" I bark, looking at a familiar figure heading down the street. I know that smell. It's been 10 years, I know him. "What's wrong with him?" Ritchie questions. I huff, before sprinting over to him. Austin cries out when I catch his pant pant. "Stupid dog." He hisses. I tug on him. "Scruffy let him go, we don't harass... Austin?" Ritchie gasps. Austin rips his pants from my teeth, rushing off. But I've done my job. They chase him down. I sit contently by the sign. "Scruffy?" Ritchie calls. I bark. He wanders over. "These are my street stoves!" He gasps. I sit contently. "Your dog... Can read?" Austin remarks slowly. Ritchie nods. "Scruff is smart." Brandon blinks. "Wait how did he reconguise Austin if you got him after you guys split?" Ritchie blinks at me. I tilt my head, letting my tail sway slowly. Before I bark. Ritchie chuckles. "I can't get mad at you." I spin swiftly before sitting. "Nothing about that dog is normal." Austin deadpans. You know, people are nice to me as a dog. It's great.

I sit calmly in my dog bed. Ritchie and Austin are arguing down stairs. I hear Austin snap something, and I don't really process the words, but its enough to cause my hackles to rise. I hop out of my seat. I gotta make this work. I scamper down the stairs, noticing the two standing parallel. Brandon is sat on the couch awkwardly. Jeez. Well, at least being the mediator is easier when not everyone hates me. I walk up, pawing at Ritchie's leg lightly. He falters. "Scruffy?" He whispers. I bark. He crouches down. "What do you need Scruff?" He cooes. I wander over to paw at the door. He sighs. "I'm taking Scruffy on a walk. You break it you buy it." He throws out before walking out. I follow. He looks at me. "Why do I feel like your doing this for my sake more than yours?" He prompts. I bark, nudging him. He chuckles softly. We take a stroll, I do take advantage of the opportunity to use the bathroom, before we head back. At the door I stop him, sitting down and looking up at him. He sighs. "Scruff I'm fine. He just... He's not the best at social things. I mean, my closest friend is a dog, so I'm not really any better." He grumbles. I bark, nudging his leg. He chuckles. We walk back inside. "You good?" Brandon prompts. Ritchie nods. "I'll be upstairs. Don't bother me unless your dying." He walks up the stairs. I follow quickly. He sits down with his phone on the bed, and I hop up. He chuckles, letting me lay in his lap. I've gotten kinda used to it over the years, but sometimes it just hits me how things have changed. It's nice. And really, I don't think I really... Wanna be human again. This is better.

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