Mama! -OoO S2

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Rdw656 This may be rather short, but they wanted a Cal and Ricarro family thing. So I'll try.

Cal's pov~
I was wondering around the camp. When I hear soft cries. My mother instincts kick in and I follow the sound. I find a small red figure curled up against a tree. "Ricarro?" He looks up at me with teary eyes. My eyes widen and I dash to his side. "Oh, Ricarro... what happened?" He leans into me as I carefully wrap my arms around him. "Cal... am I childish?" He mumbles. He called me Cal. This is bad. "In a way." But I lift his head up carefully. "But in no way is that a bad thing." His eyes tear up. "Who told you that?" He looks down. "I was in the human city... and I wanted to buy a gift. For someone." He pauses every now and then. "And the lady at the store said, they don't serve people of my age... and I told her I was Eighteen. Like you taught me to do." I wipe his eyes. "Some people in life, are just mean people Ricarro. And you don't deserve to be treated that way." I let a smile cross my face. "You deserve so much better then that." He grabs my hand. "Are you sure? No one ever thinks anything of me. I'm just the little kid everyone  doenst think can do anything." I cup his face in my hands.

"Ricarro sweetheart, you are one of the smartest people in this goddamn camp and no one can convince me other wise. You know how to make everyone laugh when their sad. You are so cool and so unique. There is no one like you and it's so cool." I press a kiss to his forehead. His eyes water again and a smile crosses his face. "Your the best mother I've ever had." I don't feel like commenting that he's only ever had two mothers, and he's seen one of them like, twice. "And your one of my favorite sons." His face lights up and a smile splits his face. "Did you just call me Son?" I tug up his chin. "Of course I did." He tackles me in a hug. I laugh, he laughs loudly. He hides his face in my chest. "Let's get you home Sweetheart." I stand up, holding him in my arms. I carry him to his room and sit him down. He reaches over and pulls out some papers, handing then to me shyly. I read over it. "I understand if we're to much of a handful..." If I sign these, Lychee, Ricarro and technanicly Momiji become my childern. "How does Lychee feel?" I question. He looks down. "He doesn't mind. He already sees you as a mother." I grin, tugging a pen from my jacket. I lean on the desk and sign easily. I hand them back over. "I'll join when you bring them to be official." His eyes water as they widen and he grins. He wraps me in a hug once more. I laugh. "Let's go tell middle bro!" I nod. He grabs my wrist, tugging me along. I laugh as people give us confused looks as we rush past them. He knocks quickly on the door.

Lychee opens the door. "Woah, are you okay?" He noticed his glassy eyes quickly. "Better then ever!" Ricarro drags me into the cabin, and I laugh. Lychee blinks. "What is happening here?" He closes the door carefully. He holds out the papers. Lychee looks down at the bottom, seeing my signature. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Ricarro proposed the idea to me. And I figured I'd make it official." I smile. His face changes. To one I know well. A face i used to make. No words are said and I wrap my arms around him. "I will be the best mother I possibly can be." I whisper. He melts into my arms and Ricarro wraps his arms around us. A nice, family hug.

*I myself haven't gone through the adoption process, but I know many who have. So I apologize if I get something wrong, I'm making up this process.*

I follow behind the now human looking Ricarro. He skipped happily, gathering attention. Lychee was at my side, holding my hand. "How did you know?" He suddenly speaks up. I hum. "How did I  know what?" He leans on me. "How did you know I wanted a hug the other day?" He keeps his voice down. I give him a glance, before looking back at Ricarro. "I knew the look on your face. I've made that face before. And I know what it feels like to just want a comforting touch. A hug. Anything." I let go of his hand and wrap my arm around his shoulders. "And now I'm here to give it to you." A soft smile crosses his face and we catch up with Ricarro. He brings us into a building. The lady looks up, annoyed. "Can I help you?" Ricarro hands me the papers. I step forward. "I here to hand in some adoption papers." She sighs. "Name?" Lychee leans on me. "Cal." She sighs. "Full name." What a bitch. "Cal Moonlight." Weird name, I know. She shrugs. "Age?" Ricarro rocks on his feet next to me. "24." Lychee turns. "Your twenty four?" I nod. She asked a few other questions before she inputs the stuff on the paper. "I can't wait to tell Momiji!" Ricarro gasps. I laugh. "Wonder how she'll take me being her parent." Lychee laughs. "Ah man, a step sister sounds wonderful." I nod. She looks up. "Do you have a stable home for you three?" The two give me concerned looks but I just nod. She sighs. "Before you take the two in we must make sure this home is suitable for you three." I nod. "When will this be preformed?" She sighs. "As soon as possible." I nod. "Tomorrow morning work?" She nods. "Yes. Please do let me know of this adress." She sounds annoyed. But I give her the answers she asks for. "Someone will be arriving at your address tomorrow at noon." I nod. We walk out. "Aren't you from the UK? How do you have a house here?" Lychee questions. I hum. "It's a vacation house that happens to be around here." I lead the way. "Woah!" Ricarro giggles. I smile at the two. "You guys want to see it?" They nod. I lead the way to a moderate sized Building. I walk in, clicking on the light. I cough. "Ah, I haven't been around in a while." Ricarro coughs. I hum. "Lychee?" He turns. "Yes?" I shrug. "Just noticed you were the only one who didn't cough. Wanted to make sure you were okay." He shrugs. "I'm fine." I grin. "If you say so, I won't bug you to much. Now let's clean up for tomorrow."

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