Protection- Mho

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I couldn't help it- it was an idea. A certain someone in the comments may recognise this story or part of it. (I'm to lazy to look at what your name was dude.)
-Blake is like, extra bitch in this. Sorry-

Shinos pov~
I walk down the hallway, eyes scanning the rooms. Hm. I hear... yelling? I walk over that way. A hero school and there's bullies? Really? "Who do you think you are?! You clumsy freak!" Bitch 1 says. Artemis stands before Rikku. "Th... They didn't mean to numb i-into you!" He yelps. He's bruised. Bitch number two throws another hit. Oh now I'm mad. "Kindly leave my roommates alone." I remark. They turn and their personalities do a 180. "Shino! Aren't you looking dashing today?" One of them chirps. I promptly walk around them to where Rikku and Artemis were sitting. "You two okay?" I kneel down. Rikku nods. "Artemis- He took the fight-" He stumbles. I turn to Artemis. "I don't understand why Shino would care about such trash." Bitch 2 says. I stand, turning. I glare. "Watch what you say girls." The light flickers out. "Or your words may be your last." My voice echoes admugst the darkness, and when it returns their gone. I turn back to Artemis. "Let's just get you back to the dorm." He nods weakly. Halfway through the walk Rikku speaks up. "Thank you Shino... for... protecting us." He mumbles. I hum. "It was nothing. Someone needs to help the little men right?" I smirk. "What kind of hero would I be if I let my friends just get beat up like that." Artemis perks up. "You... Think of us of friends?" I hum. "Of course." I chuckle. "Would be an idiot not too." We wonder into our house, I lock the door behind us. Before guiding Artemis to sit. "Do we own a med kit?" Rikku mumbles. I hum. "There's one in my room, if you could go get it?" I prompt. He nods, running off. I go get ice, to hold it to his black eye. "You really took a beating there." I remark quietly. "I didn't.... want them to hurt... Rikku." He mumbles. I smile. "I know. You did well." Rikku returns moments later, handing me the med kit. I patch up Artemis quietly. "Thank you so much for taking all those hits for me!" Rikku stumbles out. "Its no problem really. I deal with bullies all the time." He smiles. I hum. "Maybe I should follow you around campus more often then." Artemis looks down shyly. "I'll be fine really-" I shush him. "Don't you even dare." Rikku sits next to him. "You... want me to make food...?" He questions softly. Artemis looks down. I turn to Him. "You can cook?" He nods. "Yeah." I hum. "If you want too." He stands. "Any allergies?" Artemis speaks up. "Cucumber." I hum. "Nothing I know of." He nods. I let him be, turning. I step back, pulling out my phone. I filter through the words with ease before clicking. Their attention turns as a tune floods into the air. I sit down my device. Artemis smiles at me. I tap my leg, humming along. I lean on the bookcase next to the kitchen. Rikku smiles, moving quickly. The songs interrupted by a ringtone. Ah, I know that ringtone. I grab the device answering quickly. "What's up?" I greet, pulling myself up to walk outside. "What did you do to my friends shino?" She bites. I lean on the railing. "What I had too." She huffs. "You can't keep scaring my friends!" I hum. "You shouldn't keep being friends with assholes." I can hear her roll her eyes. "What even did they do?" She questions. I hum. "Well, let's see. Scared one of my roommates half to death, then beat up the other. Then continued to insult them to my face. All I did was blink them away." I roll my eyes. She huffs. "Don't tell me your actually friends with your roommates. Were on a level so much higher then everyone else here Shino. They'll just drag you down." I rub my temple. "No I'm not Blake. You be on whatever level you want. I'll stay down here. If you friends keep starting shit I will have to fight back. I do not care." I pause. "Talk to you later Blake." I promptly hang up. I rub my temple, sighing heavily. That girl is a piece of work. I pull myself up, walking back inside. "Everything okay? You looked pretty upset." Artemis questions. I hum. "Yeah, it's fine." I turn on the music ahain. "Don't worry about me." Rikku turns. "Foods done!" I smile. "Sweet." We move to the table. It was nice to see people smiling around me. A new sight, but not unwelcomed.

Who would have thought those would happen again? I see someone on the ground, red and blue hair. Then someone before them, wearing headphones. And looky here. It's Blake. "You will never make it here." She growls. I clear my throat. She turns. "Shino!" My eyes glow slightly. "Blake." I glance over. Hm. Before looking back at her. "I thought you were better then this Blake." She crosses her arms. "Why should I be nice to such pieces of trash?" I Take a deep breath. "Blake. Leave before I do something I'll regret." She scoffs before walking off. I turn. "You two okay?" The one with headphones exhales. "Yeah. I'm good. She's such a dick." He turns. "I do not know who you are though." They stand. "We'll I guess Introductions are warranted. I'm Shizu!" Their eyes turn to a plus and minus. Rather then the two minus before. "Uh, I'm Jack." He remarks. I hum. "Shino. That was Blake if you were unaware." Jack looks in her direction. "Why is she so mean to me?" I shrug. Shizu frowns. "She was so... mean." I hum. "Yes, that's the way she is unfortunately. She has to be on top, she has to be the most powerful. She'll degrade them until they no longer care to fight her." Their eyes widen. "That's horrible." Jack remarks. I shrug. "People make choices." Shizu smiles. "Im glad you helped us!" I nod. "You guys okay?" Jack nods. "She didn't hit us or anything." I hum. "Good. Glad she's not gotten that bad." I push back my hair. Shizu frowns. "She does this often?" I hum. "She does get a bit... agressive. She also makes friends with the wrong crowd. Honestly, she just wants to be the best she can." I hum. "Anyhow. Sorry we had to meet in... this kind of circumstance." Shizu smiles. "I'm still glad we met!" I nod. "Shino!" I hear, glancing over. "Ah, Rikku." I greet. He stands next to me. "Hello Jack." He greets. Jack nods. "Hello again Rikku." He turns. "And new person I do not know." Shizu smiles. "I'm Shizu!" Rikku gasps. "I'm Rikku!" I hum. "Where are you coming from Rikku?" He smiles. "I walk talking to someone! Their name was like, Nico I think." He grins. I hum. "Have you seen Artemis since this morning?" He pauses, shaking his head. "Ah, no. He said he had to go visit home." I nod. "Sweet." Jack blinks. "You two know each other well?" Rikku smiles. "Were roommates!" I nod. "What he said." Rikku turns. "You also didn't eat breakfast!" I exhale, shrugging. "Breakfast is an important part of your day!" Shizu yelps. I shrug. "I typically don't eat much. Too busy with other things." My phone dings. I tug it put, looking at my message. Ritchie. I hum. "I should get going." Rikku smiles. "Here." She hands me a bag. I take it gently, before glancing up. "Thanks I guess. Nice meeting you guys, later." I walk off. Hm. People are strange.

I see two people in the hallway. Ah, same bitches as before. "Leave him alone." The white haired one remarks. "And why should I listen to you?" She laughs. "Girls." I remark. "Scram." They huff, running off. I turn back. "Don't know how those scanks even got in a hero school." He shrugs, turning. "Off the floor." The blue haired one scrambles up. "I could have handled it." He remarks. I hum. "You didn't seem like you wanted to use your quirk or anything. I step into the equation and they run." I roll my eyes. "A-a-are you o-o- ka-kay K-Kiyo?" He hums. "I'm fine." He turns. "T-t-thank you!" I shrug. "Nah, it's whatever. They really just are bad people." I roll my eyes. "Let's go." Kiyo remarks. "But-" The blue haired boy is cut off. "Yuuto." He looks down. "Later." I remark, walking by. What a lovely person.

I stare at the court yard. "Shino." I turn. "Venus. How can I help you?" I greet, remembering them from the assembly. They smile softly. "We'll, I be getting word of some bullying around Campus." I nod. "Mhm." They glance around. "And that you've been helping solve it." I shrug. "They target people like Rikku and Shizu. The shyer people who don't have the confidence to fight back. I wasn't just going to let them suffer." They smile. "So i gathered. You would make a wonderful hero. I know it." I sigh. "You guys say that to everyone. Besides, I don't want to be a hero." They blink. "Really now? Why not? Everyone your age wants to be a hero." I shake my head. "I wouldn't say everyone. Frankly, hero's life isn't for me. To much attention, fame. I work in the shadows. I'm only here for the licence." They nod. "I get that. I can just tell, your destined for great things." I cross my arms leaning back on the rail. "Anything else i can help you with Venus?" They smile. "I just wanted to see you Shino. You've already done greatness." I shrug. "Doing what I can. This was a nice chat but I should get to class." They smile, nodding. I walk off. I don't want this recognition. I just want them to stop the bullies. Idiots.

This wasn't supposed to be so long but like- Shino would be an adorable protector. Protect the beans! I'm not simping your simping- I also like Kiyo and Yuuto they be adorable. Excitement-

1,733 words

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