My True Alpha- SNO

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Inspired by Rdw656. Go check them out.

3rd person-
Ritchie was hooked on the Incubus since day one. He couldn't help it. And he hid it well. Well, up until now. He was connected to Austin, and he couldn't even look at Devin. Because then he would spiral, and Austin can't know. "So! Ryan, truth or dare?" Bri questions, snapping Ritchie from his thoughts. He goes pale, "Why did it have to be this game?!" He thinks. "Uh... Dare?" He mumbles. Bri grins, leaning forward. "I dare you to hug Austin." Ritchie grins and turns to him. Austin's eyes widen. "No!" He turns and dashes. Ritchie chuckles. Before taking off after him. He eventually rounds the tree and tackles Austin with a hug. "Awe! Get off me, I don't want your germs." Austin shoves him off. "Come on Bro!" Ritchie laughs, sitting down where he landed. "That was entertaining." Bri remarks, standing above them. "Austin is just to stubborn to admit he loves me." Ritchie laughs, smirking. "I killed the rest of my family, I can kill you too." Austin growls. "Phoenix. Kinda can't die." Ritchie smirks, giggling. "Ryan I swear." Ritchie leans forward. "I do what I want, Panda." Austin jumps at Ritchie, only to be held back by Devin. "Panda?" Bri laughs. Devin simply smirks. Ritchie adverts his eyes, and grins. "Ritchieeeee, you said you would stop calling me that again." Austin groans. Ritchie just laughs. "Stop calling me Ryan then. Or else, I might show them the pictures." Austin's eyes widen. "You wouldn't." Ritchie simply smirks. "Oh I would." Austin sighs, "you win, this time." He glares. Bri leans forward. "What pictures?" Ritchie sighs. "Sorry. Can't tell you that. Brother code." Ritchie grins, grabbing Austin. "Ugh, don't remind me." He shoves Ritchie off. "Brother code?" Devin questions. Ritchie turns to look at the ground. "Were step brothers." Austin sighs. "It's disgusting." Ritchie pouts. "Just admit you love me, younger brother." He smirks. "Screw you." Austin scoffs.

Ritchie's pov~
How tiring. I must constantly distract myself as to not think about him. "Him who?" Austin asked, walking up to me. I glare. "None of your business." He smirks. "Always knew you were gay." I scoff. "It's called Bisexual." I stand up. "I'll be off." I need to find a way to cut off connection. I fly over to the Devils mansion, knocking briskly. "How can I help you today?" The imp questions, opening the door. "I need to talk to Michael." I cross my arms. He sighs. "Satan-Sama is in his office." I follow him to Michael's office, where he was reading a book. "Ritchie. How can I help you?" I cross my arms. "How can I cut off my thoughts from Austins?" He stands up and analyzes me. He's trying to make it seem like he's the bigger person. "Are you trying to make it so you can't hear his thoughts? Or in the reverse way?" I sigh. "Both." He gestures for me to follow and he leads me to his library. He scans the shelves before pulling out something. "Ah here it is. Your going to need a few items." I tap my foot, growing impatient. "Dark feather, an item relating to you, an item relating to Austin, and a glass of holy water." He glance at me. "The last one would be the hardest." I chuckle. "I'll be back in an hour." I turn and walk out. That last one might actually be the easiest.

And I was right. Grabbing a bandanna from my clothes and a bottle, I also out of my house. I see Austin talking to Bri by the tree. I jump down next to him. He jumps. "Don't do that!" I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "Look, I need an Item that relates to you or whatever." He blinks. "Why?" I tap my foot. "Spell. Now hurry up." He shrugs, handing me a cloth. I sigh, pocketing it. "Where is Devin?" I ask Bri. She shrugs. "At the garage." I take off, landing swiftly. Devin was playing the drums, humming to himself. I look down and walk up. "Oh hey Ritchie. What can I do for you?" I sigh, "can I have one of your feathers?" He shrugs, handing me one. "Thanks! Ill come listen to you play later." I grin at him, before turning and flying off.

I walk to his office and find him at the table. "That was less than an hour." He states. I roll my eyes. "I have your items. Now please, can we get this over with." He nods. I hand him the e things and just sit the water in front of him. He sighs, "How did you even get holy water?" I chuckle. "That's for me to know." He sits the items on the table before working his magic. Once he's done I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head before the quiet voices that represented Austin's thoughts disappear. "Austin is probably confused." I mumble. He glares. "You didn't tell him?" I shake my head. "Because then he would question why and try and stop me or whatever." I roll my eyes, "thanks for your help Michael. I owe you one." I turn and fly off.

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