Michael and Mario Part 2

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Michael pov-

"How are you feeling Michael?" It's Ritchie. "Still light headed. Really cold." I mumble. I open my eyes and sigh. My vision isn't blurry like before, but a familiar blurry. "My throat is scratchy." I mumble contacting the spirits for help. "Don't waist your voice then." Ritchie mumbles, and I assume they start talking. I feel the spirits slide on my glasses. "You wear glasses?" I look up at the more clear images of the twins, and nod. "Sometimes." I silently thank the spirits. I look down at my shaking hand. "Why am I so cold?" I mumble under my breath. "Do you need a blanket? Or maybe a jacket?" I shrug. "I'm not sure." Ritchie moves to sit next to me. I get closer to him and notice how my hair frizzes up slightly. "Calm down Ritchie. Your magic is acting up." I hear a knock on the door. Brandon let's in the person. Oh, sorry, People. Bri and Silver walk in. "We got here as fast as we could." Oh yeah, Bri's probably freaking out. As a protector, the guild masters are her number one priority. With Silver and I at the top of that. "I'm fine. Please do calm down." She hugs me tightly. "Don't scare me like that." She growls. I chuckle. "Sorry. I had simply used to much mana before hand, rendering my mana levels pretty low after the fight." She sighs. "What are we going to do about Eden? We can't just keep having sporadic fights with him." I smirk. "We wait." All eyes turn to me in alarm. "For what?" I hum, looking around. "Eden is simply half of a person, half of a soul. Within time, those two halves will draw back together. It's fate. And Devin, the other half, is currently taking residence in Bri's prison. In which case, Devin and Eden will be whole again, but significantly weaker. As they had been apart for so long. Within that time we should be able to help take care of Eden. Unless, of course, Devin leaves the prision, they break out first, were not strong enough-" "that's enough." Brandon cuts me off. "Oh. Sorry." I look down, messing with my own fingers. Ritchie moves to sit next to me. "Your shaking Michael." He holds up my hand. I look at it. It is severely shaking. Like, badly. Suddenly, my hearing cuts out again. Even Ritchie. Brandon turns and opens the door. "Brandon!" I see David yell. "What David?" He states back. "Mario is going through the same thing Michael is. He's only able to hear me, his vision is blurry, and he's trembling." My hearing quickly comes back. Mario...? Oh! "David, sit him here." I gesture over. He sits Mario down next to me and sits next to him. I look up at Brandon. "I need you to go to Grimshade, and to my office. I need you to grab a book off my desk. It's black, with a purple symbol on the front." He nods and runs out. I look over at Mario. His head hung. "Is he going to be okay?" I sigh. "Hopefully. If this isnt done right though, Mario and I both die." Everyone in the room goes ridged. "I think I also might know how Reaper was killed." The tension grows. Before I hear static and my vision and hearing cuts out. "My vision and hearing have both gone away. I would assume the same for Mario." I state, or try to. When my vision comes back Brandon's infront of me, a book clutched in his hands. Ritchie had pulled me into his lap and his arms are over my shoulders. I look back at Brandon. "Book. Now." He hands it over. I flip it open and scan the pages. "What language is that?" Silver asked. I glance up. "Unimportant at the moment." I flip through the pages. "When did it effect Mario?" I ask. He shrugs. "A little after you left." I nod. I flip through some more pages. I read it and turn to face Mario. He looked at me weakly. I rest my hand on his chest, right above his heart. "Παρακαλώ, κύριε. Εξοικονομήστε την καρδιά του. Και αφήστε τον αδελφό του, να θεραπεύσει την ψυχή του." I recite. His eyes widen and a faint glow admits from under my hand, and his eyes close. "What did you do?!" Silver yells. I shush him. Mario's eyes open slowly, and he looks around. "What... did you do?" I flinch as my hearing gets covered by static again. "I... I healed... you. To the best... best of my ability. Only your soulmate... can... can heal it fully." I stutter out, hyperventilating. "What about you? You can't die!" Bri pleads. I blink at the book infront of me. "I can't heal myself. Someone else is going to have to do it." Bri steps forward. "I can!" I close my eyes. "Just a second." We return to silence for a minute before I open my eyes. "Alright Bri. I need you to rest your hand on my forehead." She does so. Everyone watches carefully. "Okay, Recite after me, and do not mess up." She nods. I close my eyes. "Αγαπητέ φίλε." She recites it. "Χρειάζομαι τη βοήθειά σου." I feel the magic appear, dim but it's there. "Δεν μπορεί να πεθάνει. Δεν θα τον αφήσω." I hear David and Mario whisper to each other. "Σας παρακαλούμε. Σε ικετεύω. Σώσε τον." The power swells, and I feel myself return to normal, other than the overwhelming cold that seems through my bones. I blink my eyes open. "You can back away Bri." She pulls her hand back. "Did... Did it work?" Bri asked, scared. I take a deep breath. "Yeah. As well as It can." I look down, and shut the book. "What does that mean?" Brandon steps forward. I sigh. "That is a thing that will randomly happen to people like Mario and I. The issue accrued in my head, his in his heart. I can only do so much to stop it. If it isn't taken care soon enough, it can kill the person, no matter their strength. I can only pause it temporarily. It will come back, stronger. Unless." I pause. "Unless, their soulmate heals them." I stare intensely at the book. "How does their soulmate heal them?" I grip the book. "I... I don't know. It's different for everyone." Ritchie hugs me tighter. Oh yeah, I forgot i was sitting in his lap. I glance over at Mario, who was simply leaning against David tiredly. "You must be tired. I suggest taking a nap. I can talk to you about this later." David picks up Mario and carries him out. Bri falls into protective mode again. "We need to find you soulmate quickly! I don't know what I would do if you died!" Bri brings her hands to her head. "Hey, calm down. Breath." Silver whispers. My eyes widen. I pull myself from Ritchies grip to stand up and hug Bri. I lean against her a little, as I'm still weak. "Hey, Breath. I'm fine. I will be fine." She continues to hyperventilate. I glance around the room. "Bri. Listen to me alright? List 5 things you can see." Her eyes dart around quickly. "Austin, Brandon, Ritchie, the bed..." She pauses. "Almost there. One more thing." Her eyes dart around some more. "Bookcase" I nod. "4 things you can feel?" Her hands grab tighter on my shirt. "Your shirt. Heat. Sweat." She closes her eyes. "4 presences." I nod. "3 things you can hear?" She opens her eyes. "My voice. Austin's breathing. Birds outside." Her breathing evens out. "2 things you can smell?" She sniffs the air. "You. And forest." I nod. Her shaking comes to a stop. "And lastly, 1 thing you can taste?" She licks her lips. "Strawberry." I nod. "Are you back Bri?" She nods, and closes her eyes. She falls into my chest, yet still keeping her weight off me. "Thank you again Michael." I nod. "Are you feeling better now Bri?" Ritchies asked from behind me. She nods. "Yeah. Sorry about that." I shake my head. "It's fine." I lead us back over to the bed. "Maybe, we should all rest. It's been a long day." Brandon states. I nod. Ritchie picks me up. "You two can take this room. I'll get this one to rest somewhere else." Silver nods. Brandon walks out, with Ritchie following.

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