Are you sure? - MHO

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I've had the largest fucking writers block lately guys. I also may have slightly regressed into my Creepypasta/Marble Hornets phase. Help me.

-CW for talk of sex. Like, decently explicit. There's also one intense make out session so- read at will

Shino's pov-

I adjust my earbuds casually, looking down at my phone as my music stutters. Oh my connection shifted. That checks. I continue on my way, finding the large building easily enough. I walk up to the black haired girl who's meditating in her alternate form. She floats in the ground ever so slightly. Hm... I hold my hand out and flash slightly. Her eyes open and I smile, waving. She giggles, standing and turning corporeal. "Hey Shino." Mania chirps. I chuckle. "Hey. You know, if you ever did that in the middle of the street you'd freak out a hell of a lot of people." I point out. She giggles. "Like a real ghost." She insists. I nod, trailing after her as she leads me back towards the training course. "I've been trying to isolate my transformation but I haven't quite figured it out." She mutters. I shrug. "You'll get there." I assure. She nods. We come to a stop and watch as the current gang of new officers attempts to run it. "I swear they get worse and worse as the years progress." Mania points out. I shake my head. These are our esteemed police force? Seriously? "Mania, Shino. How lovely of you to join us." Mania's father greets. I smile. "Morning Captain." I offer. He nods. "Don't suppose you'd be willing to show these kids how it's done?" He prompts. I look at Mania who shrugs. "Sure." She smiles. I laugh. "Quirks?" She questions. I grin. "Super tag?" I offer. She nods. I sit my jacket to the side as the newbies return, out of breath. Jesus man. "Mania, Shino. Show these imbeciles how it's done." Mr Soul states. Mania and I make our way to the start. She grins at me. "Tag." She chirps, taping my shoulder and taking off up the climbing wall. I rush after her, scrambling up easily. She jumps across the rope swing with a practiced ease, and I trip her as I make the jump myself. She yelps and I lunge. She flickers quickly as she sprints through the pillars ment to slow us down. A flick of the wrist and a flash of light has me on top of them quickly. I jump down to catch her, hand swiping through her with another small spark of light. Our way of me tagging a non corporal person. She gasps and falters. I grin and quickly take off again. She rushes after me, corporal once more. Mania and I weave through the obstacles with frightening ease. Jumping off the walls and flipping over the tires. We loop a couple of times, tagging each other back and forth. It's much easier to tag on a linear course. "Your frighteningly fast as ever." Mania grins, wiping sweat off her forehead. "Your reflexes are fantastic." I assure. She laughs. "Jesus." One of the newbies breathes. I check my phone casually. "So, what's next?" I look up at Mania who grins back.

I wave to Mania as I walk off. She returns it happily. I tuck my earbud back into my ear as I walk. Artemis and Rikku are at the cafe today aren't they? Pretty sure the entire club has a shift together... They kinda shifted from having club to a group that actually just works there part time. Business is booming though so I guess it's good enough. I push open the door, door dinging as I walk in. I tug an earbud out as I pause my music. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't looking and there's nothing like a good old clique. I feel someone run into me and I shift quickly to catch them. Clover looks up at me with wide eyes, tray held close to their chest. I grin. "Might wanna watch your step there." I advise. They chuckle. "God Shino. Here I was worried I had actually run into a customer." They complain. I help them easily, brushing their shoulders off casually. "Hey, I'll have you know I'm a very well paying customer." I scold. Clover giggles slightly. "Yeah yeah." They rolls their eyes. I grin. "It was my fault anyway, I was looking at my phone. Your alright?" I prompt. Clover nods. I nod, and follow them back towards the counter. "So, very well paying customer, what is it you want?" They prompt. I look up at the board. "Hm..." I squint. "Let's go with the Phoenix tea and... Dealers choice." I look back at Clover. They grin. "My choice?" I nod. "Yep. You choose what I get to eat today. Though do try to avoid any peanuts, a hospital trip is not on the schedule today." I lean on the counter, careful to not get close enough to be in their space. I can hear the others rushing about in the kitchen. Rikku seems to be taking someone's order and doesn't seem to know I'm here. "Where's Shizu, they usually run the counter." I point out, tugging out my wallet as they ring me up. "Not sure. Usually i would say making out with Rikku, but Rikku's out here." Clover mutters. I nod. Fair enough. "Speaking of, should I be fetching the Oreo for you lover boy?" Clover drawls. I tilt my head. "Hm? No, no need to pull him from his job. I've just done a lot of exercise this morning and I need some kinda sustiance before I collapse." I dismiss. I pay the required amount and tuck the returned change into the tip jar. "Please don't collapse, that would be awful for our ratings." Clover deadpans. I laugh. "Feeling the love Clove. But since you asked so nicely." I drawl. They shake their head, watching me shift to a nearby empty table. I drop into a seat casually, taking my phone back out to occupy my time.

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