Wassup? -Fto

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Welcome! Request bitch! So uh, this is by... KallyWolfBane. I think that's right- I'm not checking. Anyway, request above. Were gonna write this shit. Am I writing at 2 am on a school night? You don't need to know.

Vipers pov~
You know, drinkings fun. A lot of fun. You know what's not fun. Quiet. This place is really quiet. I take my mug, stumbling out a door. My mind seems to take me somewhere, all I see is blurred lines on signs. I fall back onto a bench, staring. "Viper...?" A soft voice questions. I turn. "Kaaayyy!" I slurr. "My favorite girlfriend." She chuckles, face red. "Were not dating Viper. Are you... Drunk?" She comes closer. "No, I'm perfectly sober." I comment sarcastically, taking a chug. "Well, still sarcastic. Wait, why are you drunk? How much have you drank?" I laugh loudly. "I wasn't counting!" She exhales. "Okay. Okay. Your second in command. Do you have... a communication lacrama? Allumos seems like the guy to force you to carry one." She seems upset. "You sound like you need a drink." I comment. She clears her throat. "Okay. Were doing this." She tenses. "Viper, communcation lacrama. Do you have one or not?" She bites. I grin. "Lucky you sexy, I do." She exhales. "That worked. Jesus. Your just a mess." I toss it at her. She fumbles, but catches it. My attention drifts as I take another chug, looking at the water. "Allumos is on his way. What are you doing?" I grin. "I like water." She nods. "Water is nice..." I stand. She rushes after me. "You should sit back down." I sit on the edge. She follows. "I'm friends with a water mage." She laughs. "You are?" I nod. "Yeah. Best buddy. He always told me I can't put poison in water." She nods. "Because poison would kill the fish." I laugh. "We kill the fish anyway. Skin it and eat it everyday." I hum. "He should be here. Why did I drink without him?" I mumble, attention drifting again. "Viper, who's this uh... friend of yours?" I stand, stumbling back down the pier. "He's one of those rats. Ex criminal." She blinks. "Divinus. Do I know a water mage in Divinus?" I chuckle. "He gets around." She giggles. "He does now?" I nod. "Most people know him. It's the god slayer." She tilts her head. I hum. "Lucas. Name is Lucas." She chuckles. "Don't think I've been able to meet him. Still surprised you said the word Friend." I sit down, tilting my head down as a headache hits. "S-sir. I think the alcohol is hitting." Jasper remarks. I pull myself up, ignoring him. "Are you okay?" She questions. I hum. "Lucas and I are good friends. We go on adventures a lot!" I turn. She hums. "What kind of adventures?" I laugh. "All kinds! Like we broke into the grandmasters house once!" She pauses. "Isn't that illegal?" I turn, smirking. "If your not supposed to do it then why is it so easy?" She frowns. "Your second in command! Do the guild masters know about this?" I hum. "Probably not. I mean Lucas is supposed to be reformed and all that shit." She gasps. "Viper." I pause, looking down. About to fall. The wood on the edge breaks under my weight. I fall back slightly. Quickly, i grab the rope of an undocked boat. Boats out at the moment. Either way. I fall back, dangling over the water. I pull my other hand up, grabing th rope, switching my hand to the edge. Quickly pushing myself up. "Viper!" She yelps. I swing over. "I'm drunk, not incapable." I remark, laughing. She gasps. "Ate you okay?" She hugs me. I relax into her arms. "Your warm..." she frowns. "Viper?" I hum. "I like sleep..." she gasps. "I came as soon as I could." I hear. "Good, because he's about to fall asleep and I cannot support his weight." I'm picked up. "You coming with?" He questions. Kay pauses. "Uh, yeah..." I pass out.

Lucas pov~
I hum, squaring my arm. I throw another punch, watching it bounce back. "Aim higher." Damn. As I prepare another hit I hear a knock on the door. "Just a moment!" I call, tossing the towel around my neck. I glance in the mirror. I tug on my gloves, and push back my hair. I slide down the ladder, finding Brandon leaning on the wall. Devin and Ritchie on my couch. "Just because I'm friends with David doesn't mean I have an open door policy too." I comment. Ritchie shrugs. "We don't really care." He eyes me. "You training?" I nod. "Just doing some reps. What brings you by?" I lean on the ladder. "By chance..." Brandon starts. "Are you friends with Viper?" Oh? "You think Viper said something?" I hum. "Viper doesn't do friends. He would never willingly admit it." I shrug. "Viper doesn't really do... friends. But yeah... Were uh, closer then enemies?" I chuckle. "What about it?" Galrin snickers. "Think your little friend got drunk or hypnotized and spilled." I hum. "I like games." Ritchie nods. "You know Vipers a wanted criminal?" I chuckle. "Not particularly. His bounty was paid, he works for the protectors yet already paid off his debt, actively trying to be nicer. I know you guys don't particularly like him." Devin sighs. "I think their worried he's going to influence you back into doing criminal things." Ritchie and Brandon both duck their heads. I blink. "Like what? Guys I'm reformed." I chuckle, pulling myself up. "Like... breaking into a house." Ritchie remarks. I hum. "I've had to break into houses for missions, what's your point?" Brandon and Ritchie look at each other. "Nothing, we'll be off." I hum, smirking. Eyes turning yellow. "This should be entertaining~" She purrs. I lean on the ladder. "Hm, wonder how much Mitch said." I shrug. "Oh well." I pull myself up. "Let's get back to reps."

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