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(so I was really bored while doing this so it's probably shit)

shark pov-
I know I'm acting weird and I don't care. they have noticed but haven't asked, I go by my day normally just smiling less and less. the viewers can tell I'm being more depressed, so I upload a perecorded video and a normal one everyday. I just wish some one would care. not even saber cares and I do this all for him, I starve my selve, i cut my self all for him. I'm going crazy and I know it.

I was sitting on my bed like always, my room is empty. I have a mattress and that's it, I use magic to clean my clothes everyday. I have a lot of money but I don't deserve it so I don't spend it, I heard a knock on the door, "come in" I said not looking away from the wall. "hey, you busy" I heard sabers voice behind me. "no" I responded. he closed the door, "I just want to ask you something, are you okay?" he asked, I chuckled. "physically or mentally?" "mentally" he told me, I could feel myself blusing. "no, I'm not okay" I said, tears glistening in my eyes. I could feel the bed dip behind me, I imedaly blushed more. "I know your starving yoirself, and I think i know why." he said, I blushed more.

"why do you think?" I asked quietly. "for me." he said. I don't think I can be more red, "w-why do you think t-that?" I asked, he hugged me from behind, "you wouldn't just answer that type of question to anyone else, plus you blush all of the time around me." he commented, his voice muffled.

he started humming.
"put your make up on
get your nails done
curl your hair
run the extra mile
keep it slim so they like you."

is he insulting me? I'm not some girl, but I think I see his point.

"do they like you?"

no, no one likes me so I don't know why he's doing this. he has a wonderful voice though.

"get your sexy on
don't be shy, boy
take it off
this is what you want, to belong
so they like you."

he sang, he turned me around to look at him. he looked as perfect as always, the handsome mystery I love.

"do you like you?"

why is he saying this, of course I dont. this is how I became what I am, I love him so much that I forgot to love myself.

"you don't have to try so hard
you don't have to give it all away
you just have to get up
get up, get up, get up
you don't have to change a single thing"

he sang, by now we were both standing. I was lost in his voice, I wasn't thinking of anything but his voice. so I failed to see what he was going to do next.

"you don't have to try, try ,try, try
you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try
you don't have to try"

his voice is just so perfect. i ended up closing my eyes so I could enjoy the song more.

"get your shopping on
at the mall,max your credit cards
you don't have to choose
buy it all so they like you
do they like you?"

I could feel my self get pushed a little but I wasn't paying attention.

"wait a second
why should you care
what they think of you
when your all alone, by yourself
do you like you?"

he had moved from right in front of me. I couldn't tell where he was though, and I didn't care. i never have cared nor will I ever.

"do you like you?
you don't have to try so hard
you don't have to give it all away
you just have to get up
get up, get up, get up
you don't have to change a single thing"

he was right behind me now, I could tell. I opened my eyes to see a blindfold, wow ok. I just closed my eye and leaned into saber.

"you don't have to try so hard
you don't have to bend until you break
you just have to get up
get up, get up, get up
you don't have to change a single thing.

you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try."

I could tell saber had moved us to sit on the bed. I don't know why, I don't know a lot of things like where he's going with this song.

"you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try
you don't have to try"

of course he's just repeating, I don't think he means any of this. I listen any way.

"you don't have to try so hard
you don't have to give it all away
you just have to get up
get up, get up, get up
you don't have to change a single thing
you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try, try, try, try
you don't have to try
you don't have to try."

I was suddenly very angry, why does he lied to me, and why does he keep repeating it?!?

"take your make up of
let your hair down
take a breath
look in to the mirror, at yourself
don't you like you?"

he asked again, I was tired of this shit. the blindfold was taken off to reveal us in the bathroom in front of the mirror, I do hate myself.

"cause I like you."

he sang that line and I opened my mouth to say something but to encourage my shock, he kissed me. my eyes were wide, I slowly melted into it. my eyes fluttered closed, I kissed back.

sense my mouth was already open, he just shot his toung into my mouth leaving nothing untouched. i moaned into the kiss, this seemed just to encourage him more. but before he could do more he pulled away, I opened my eyes and there was a string of saliva connecting us. I blushed and he said, "it's about time I show you something." I looked confused, not being able to talk. he just looked down and reached to undo his bandana, I covered my mouth with my hand. he hasn't taken off his bandana in years. he let the bandana drop to the floor and he looked up. he had a beautiful green-blue eye, it was like a Ocean I could get lost in. the other was a clock? it was a clock that was ticking, I could hear it softly ticking to the second. there was a scar over the eye as well, I must have been staring because saber said, "I know it's wired and disgusting, this is why I hide my eyes." he looked away. I put my hand on the side of his face and move his head to look at me. "you are beautiful, don't let anyone tell you other wise. I think it's cool but if you don't mind me asking how did that happen?" I ask. he looks me in the eyes, I still hadn't let go. "I was cursed, I was cursed with time. at the time I didn't know what that ment, but I know now. I hate it, so why do you love it?" he asked. I chuckled, "I will answer that after you answer this, are you human?" I asked he looked at me with wide eyes. "no" he simply said. "why that's why I love it, because I love you wether your normal or not. I'm not human either and if I was I couldn't possibly be as in love with you as I am." I sated, "now what are you then?" I added. "i don't know... wait what are you?" he said, "not here" I said walking past him towards the my room.

After walking into my room, I locked all of the doors. "why are you doing that?" saber asked from the bed. "why because no one other than you can know what I am." I said walking over to him. "ok?" he asked. I sat next to him. "well I'm a demon of course" I said calmly, sabers face flashed with fear before it changed to confusion. "wait aren't you supposed to be evil?" "I can be, but with the type of demon I am, i can only be evil/mean when someone messes with my trigger" I explained. "what's your trigger?" saber asked. I laughed then looked at him, "you" I said in a low seductive voice. he shivered, I ceased over to him.

let's just say we had a good time that night.

why do I always do depressing stories? anyway this is this one. I told you I was bored, i didn't know what to do.

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