Dude- Mho

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Welcome to another unnecessary story about the one, the only, Boat. (I have an obsession with him, I'm sorry.)
-upon starting this, I have. No fucking clue who I'm shipping Shino with. So uh... come along for the ride I guess?
-Super long- I never stop

-I really should put more trigger warnings shouldn't I? This one has some major depression shit. Self harm and stuff ya know. Sad boi hours and such. But also like, tooth rotting fluff and shit because it's me.

Shinos pov~
Despite my head pounding I press a few more keys. Come on. I slide to the side. "What are you even doing?" Kol questions, sitting on the table behind me. I hum. "Typing the keys very angrily because I have a headache." He laughs. "Momkey will be here any minute." I spin in my chair. "Why is she coming by anyway?" He shrugs. "I'm not sure. She just, was." I nod. "Fair." My phone starts ringing. I glance at the ringtone, answering quickly. "Sup?" She groans. "Is my roommate with you?" I glance up. "Uh... yeah? Kols with me. Why?" She sighs. "You talk!" I hear her voice faintly. I hum. "What's up?" It's Flex? He hums. "Kol said he would help me today!" I glance at Kol. "Did you make Plans with Flex?" He tilts his head. "Uh.... maybe?" I tug up my phone. "Something came up. You should reschedule." He laughs. "Okay!" He hangs up. I toss my phone down. "Delt with." He snickers. When a figure comes down the ladder. "Mom." Kol smiles. She returns it. "Ah, my baby. I missed you!" They hug. I grin. "Awe. Isn't this cute?" Kol flips me off. Momkey holds out her arms. "You want a hug too?" I stand. "Sure." She pulls me into a hug, which I return gently. "Do you not know how to hug people?" Kol questions. I pull back. "No. I didn't exactly... grow up in a pair of loving arms." He snickers. "You'll get the hang of it." He pats my head. Momkey frowns at me. "What about a mother?" I hum. "My parents are dead. Have been for a little while now." I shrug. "Not worried about it." She frowns. Kol clears his throat. "As much as I care deeply about Shinos mental problems, why exactly did you stop by mom?" She hums. "I have to go on a trip sweetheart, have to leave town for the week." Kol blinks. "Why?" She hums. "My boss wants me to do a really hard case out of town." I forget she's like lawyer for villains. Kol hums. "What would I do without you?" I blink. "Gain a sense of independence maybe." He throws an eraser at me. I laugh. "He's right. You will be just fine without me for a week. Just don't do anything crazy." I clear my thought. "If he does anything stupid I'll make him feel the karma." Kol turns to me. "What?" I hum. "I said, if you do something stupid. I'll give you the karma." I flick his forehead. Momkey laughs. "I'm okay with that." They say their byes. Kol looks at me. "You gonna be my mother?" I hum. "I'll just give you the motherly lecture if you do something stupid." He groans. "Great." I laugh. "Look, I allow much more then any mother probably would." He grumbles. "Fine, whatever."

I walk down the hall. "I'm serious!" Blake groans into the phone. I glance at Kol. He shrugs. "This is strangely normal." I comment. He laughs. A figure walks past us, shoving me to the ground. They snicker, walking past. Kol turns. "Hey! Watch where your going!" Blake holds out a hand for me. I push myself up. "I'm okay." She huffs. "Can t believe such horrible people are in a hero school." I chuckle. "It's okay." Kol huffs. "The worst kind of heros." I nod. I don't care to mention that they've been picking on me for a little while now. "You worry to much guys." I return to walking. She really doesn't need to worry about me so much. It's not like it'll matter in the end anyway.

The roof always was such a calming place for me. I'm not sure why. I look down at the essay I was writing. We'll, that's done now. My phone starts ringing. Unknown number. I reach over, clicking answer. "Hello is this Shino Basca?" Ah. "That would be me sir." I start cleaning up what I'm doing. "Your requested in the teachers lounge." I quirk up an eyebrow. "Ah, okay? Now?" He huffs. "Obviously!" I roll my eyes. "Do you want me there or not?" He grumbles. "Hurry up." I jump down, opening the door. "Right over." I hang up, making my way over quickly. I knock before opening the door. My eyes scan the figures in the room. Avian, Database, Kowalski, and Kol. My eyes land on the boy. "The hell did you do?" I seeth. He shrugs. Database hums. "Why did we call him again?" Kowalski answers. "His mother told me too." I nod. "We'll, while Gloria is out of town, I offered to take care of this idiot as his parent." I turn to him. "Because you make stupid choices." He shrugs. I look at Avian. "What did he do?" He hums. "Kol here, beat up a few students today." I pause, connecting the dots. I turn back to Kol. "Kol." He perks up. "Was it by chance... those kids that shoved me in the hall yesterday?" His eyes widen and he looks down silently. Avian looks over. "What?" I glance at him. "Kol, Blake and I were walking in the hall when a few students walked past us. They happened to bump into me, one shoved me to the ground. I dismissed it as children making immature decisions, but clearly Kol thought otherwise." Kol grumbles. Database blinks. "Your being bulled?" I smile weakly. "No, they just happen to be a bit... rough when I'm in their way in the hall. It's okay, really." I chuckle, before looking at Kol. I smack him lightly on the head. "That's no reason to beat someone up." He huffs. "I know you Shino. They're probably doing more and your just not saying anything." I roll my eyes. "So, what's his punishment?" I look over. Avian hums. "I suppose... detention." Kol looks at me. "Your already lecturing me." I nod. "Because you made a stupid decision." I glance at him. "Speak of, was Blake apart of this?" He hums. "No. She wanted too, but she claimed the student president should set an example." He shrugs. I nod. "Exactly. Great, I won't have to lecture her again." He blinks. "Again?" I glance at the others in the room. "Blake has a bad history with bullies. Especially when she thinks someone's bullying a friend of hers. If you ask Nico, he could tell you a story of her lighting a kid's pants on fire for bullying him." Their eyes widen. I hum. "Anyhow." I glance at the principle. "Anything else we need to do?" He hums. "No, that seems to be about all." I nod. Before I grab Kols wrist. "Your coming with me." He yelps as I drag him out the room. "What the-" I hum. "Blake does it to me all the time. Just let it happen." People watch as he stumbles after me. I pull him to the roof. I let go, before climbing up the ladder. He follows. I sit, looking at him. "You beat up someone for me?" He nods. I sigh. "No one is bullying me Kol. Even if they were, I can handle myself." He sits. "I know..." I chuckle. "Thanks for caring Kol though." He grumbles.

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