Unrequited Love - OoO

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Cal x Xylo. All plans for this story went out this window, I make no promises

Cals pov-
I brush my hair to the side. Okay. Time to bite the bullet. I can do this. I reach up, knocking on the door. "One second!" A voice calls. I fidget slightly. The door is pushed open by a small kid, who grins dopily at me. "Hi." They smile. I smile softly. "Hello. Your parents home?" I question. They shake their head. "Nu-uh. Just me!" They grin. I chuckle. "Is that so?" I prompt. They nod happily. "Mhm! Imma big girl!" They clap. I tilt my head slightly, ignoring the loose strands of hair falling in my face. "Oh totally. Your such a big girl I bet you run this house." I nod. They giggle. "Cecilia what are you doing?!" A male voice yelps. I glance up. A shirtless man in sweats rushes over. "Your not supposed to open the door sweetie." He exhales. She pouts. "But, they just wanted to talk." The man sighs, resting his head on hers. "We're gonna need a lock on that door." He mutters. I giggle. "She seems adventurous." I offer. He jumps, looking at me quickly. "Oh! I'm so sorry about that, it's been... A hectic few days." He breathes. I chuckle. "No worries." He stands, leaning on the door. "What can I help you with?" He questions. I fidget with my bandages slightly. "I was actually hoping I could speak with Arabella? Any chance she's home?" I prompt. He turns. "Honey it's for you!" He calls. Before looking at me. "She'll be just a second." He remarks. I nod. There's footsteps. "Hi, what can I do?" Ara questions. It's been so long... She looks so different. Her hairs purple now, tied back into a bun. She's wearing a hoodie that I assume isn't hers and jeans. She looks better. I'm happy for her. "Bad time?" I question. She freezes, looking up. "Cal?" She breathes. I give her a nervous smile. "It's me." The man gives us a curious look, holding back who I assume to be their daughter. "You look good." I offer. She steps forward swiftly, and while I anticipate it happening the slap still stings. The man yelps. I wince. "Okay, I deserved that." I mutter. I watch as tears spill over. "You fucking asshole! I thought you were dead!" She yells. I bite my lip. "If it makes you feel better I was. For like, 2 minutes." I offer. She holds up her hand threateningly. I wince. "Okay, okay. Sorry. Let me explain?" I offer. She exhales. "Come inside." I nod, letting her lead me to the kitchen.

"Bella?" The guy questions. She turns. "I've got this. Watch Cecile for me." She smiles softly. He nods, returning it. I watch them fondly. They're cute together. "So, fiance? Husband?" I prompt. She turns to me, that fond smile still on her face. "Fiance. That's Freddie." She offers. I nod. "You guys are happy together. That's good." I smile. She exhales. "So. I haven't heard a word from you in almost 8 years. Last I saw of you, you were 18 and bleeding out." She deadpans. I sigh. "I was. Im going to be honest with you, that day is... One of those memories I have repressed? Long story short, I happened upon the right kinda people who patched me up, and taught me while I recovered. They then paid for me to cross the sea. I... Wanted to be as far from him as possible, and I didn't know how to catch up with you without him knowing. So I just. Didn't?" I offer a bit of an edited story. Skipping the part of you know, teleporting to the desert. "So then I met this group who were... Great. And I stayed with them. I'm still there actually." I offer. She pauses. "You joined the Mafia." She deadpans. I falter. "Kinda?" I offer. It's not the worst explanation we could have gone with. She exhales. "That explains the tattoos, and the hair cut. Oh my god Cal, I barely recognized you." She eyes me. I laugh. "Oh this was a recent development actually." I look down at myself. "Did a bit of a make over honestly." I offer. She shakes her head, wiping at her eyes. "I missed you so much." She breathes. I smile. "I missed you too. I never stopped thinking about you. Recently one of my friends mentioned something about sisters, and I just... Decided I would do whatever it took to track you down again. And well. I have connections." I shrug. Arabella snorts, standing to make herself a drink. "So, what changed. I mean, I have a fiance and a daughter. Your turn." She points out. I hum. "Current love interest who is in a happy relationship with someone else, and two adopted children, one of which has a wife who's expecting." Ara freezes, looking at me. I wince. "Surprise?" I offer. She looks back at her drink, at me, then back before grabbing the bottle of vodka and just tossing it back.

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