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Riku was lazing around on one of the beds in the guest rooms as he racked his brain to try and think of a way to get the key from Haru. Brute force is a terrible idea, I'll be killed immediately. He looked out the window to see that the sky was beginning to change into a dark blue hue. I just need to stay hidden, get the keys from somewhere, maybe find Sou along the way, then get the guys out and drink that potion to pretend to be dead while hoping the others find Soraru and bring them back and then wait for them to come find me. In his mind he could think of many possibilities where the plan could go totally wrong but he tried to remain hopeful that things will work out in the end.

He got up after spending a few more minutes going back and forth, opening the door and carefully looking around the halls he could see the occasional knights that were still trying to find information about the incident or the princes' whereabouts. He exited the room and just casually walked around to not raise suspicion of anyone. Though the feeling of uneasiness crept on him due to the quietness of the halls, aside from the sounds of knights' footsteps, it made him feel like he was being watched, well he was but the atmosphere made it seem like he'd get caught almost immediately doing something.

If I was Haru where would I keep the keys? Well, most likely it'll be on him... Riku was frowning as he worked on thinking how he would accomplish this if that was the case, he didn't have any powers so trying to overpower the black haired male wouldn't be the case, plus the male could just easily get it back and possibly do something to him which then makes the rest of the plan fall completely.

Riku sighed as he paced around the halls, each step slowly making him think that he couldn't and wouldn't be able to pull it off. But if I fail then they'll be the ones to suffer... I have to manage this somehow.

He paused as he saw Haru up ahead, the black haired male noticed his presence and smiled, teleporting himself next to him.

"How's walking around doing for ya~"

"Great," was the sarcastic response given.

"Hey, at least you aren't locked up like Soraru and Shima," Haru grinned as the indigo haired male just frowned at him, "you get to feel like a prince and they become the peasants."

"You're only able to do this because I was friends with you and the others," Riku narrowed his eyes at the male as his tone became sharp, "if I had left you to die back then and had not tried to befriend you then you wouldn't have been here."

"Well you can thank your kind heart because that's what led to this." Haru taunted, "seeing me back then reminded you of when you first met Senra and that made you want to help me out~"

"But, oh well can't change the past," Haru then dangled an earring in front of the male, Riku paled slightly once he realized it was the one Sou had. "I took this from your brother when he wasn't looking and fixed it~ even put the spell that Hana gave it, aren't I such a great friend?"

"Why?" Riku was worried about it. There has to be a catch to this.

"You can give it to him and tell him that you found someone to fix it~" the black haired male handed the earring to him, a sinister smile on his face, "you can already guess what'll happen if you tell him the actual truth."

"You wouldn't be able to know if I did or not." Riku retorted, "it's not like you can see if we're lying or not."

"Well if he isn't wearing it then I'll obviously know why," Haru patted the male's head, "be a good puppet and do what I say. Can't risk the chance of something bad happening to you or Sou~" and with that the male disappeared, leaving Riku hesitating on what to do.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now