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The three males were making their way towards school. They still couldn't believe that they were princes. Wonder if they'll tell the others about us— Soraru's thought were cut off by the albino's and red eyed brunette's shouts.

"What do you mean they're princes?!?"

"Guess they told them." Senra sheepishly said as they approached the others by the gates.

"Why not shout it even louder, that way the whole world can know." Nqrse sarcastically said as the two males sheepishly apologized.

"It's just shocking to think that Soraru is a prince." Amatsuki commented, earning an unamused glare from the raven-haired.


"Now I have to erase the memories of the people that heard you guys shout." Yuuto pouted, "how troublesome."

"When I told you to tell them, I didn't mean now." Hana said as she gave the teal-haired an unamused face.

"They'd still react the same regardless of when I tell them." Yuuto said as he waved his hand at the pink haired female's words.

"Such a pain to deal with, you always act like a little kid."

"And you act like you're my mother." Yuuto muttered, the light haired male heard him.

"Well, based on what you told us, she's a fairy. Aren't they usually the ones that are nice and act like guardians?" Luz asked as the teal-haired scoffed.

"Her? Nice?"

The pink haired female lightly smacked the male's arm before sighing. "Why am I even bothering to deal with you?"

"Well, bye guys I'm going to try to find Lon and Kuro." Hana said as she began to head into the school.

"Eh? You already befriended them?" Kashitaro said as the pink haired female replied without looking back.


"Oh, there's Haru." Yuuto said as he spotted the black-haired male, who was talking to Riku, in the distance.

"Do you like him Yuuto? You always seem to be around him." Mafu asked the teal-haired, who turned to look at him.

"Eh? No way~ I could never cheat on Sakata, my one true love ~" Yuuto joked as linked his arm with the redhead and chuckled.

"E-Eh?" Sakata looked confused, making the male chuckle again.

"Sorry Urata but I'm taking him from you~" Yuuto teasingly said before letting go of the redhead, "okay, okay you don't have to glare at me like that. I'll stop before you end up killing me."

"Www Urata sure can get jealous when he wants." Senra teased, the short brunette fake smiled, an angry mark seemed to appear on his face.

"Hey Senra, do you mind shutting up before I punch you?"

"Www nope~"

"Oi—!" Urata then felt something shock him, he glared at the blonde who was just laughing.

"You sure love being annoying sometimes." Soraru shook his head at the blonde's mischief self.

"Hey guys~" Yuuto greeted the two males that approached them.

"You're awfully cheerful." Riku commented, causing the teal-haired to pout.

"Isn't he always like this?" Haru pointed out as the teal-haired grinned.

"See, Haru's on my side~"

The indigo-haired male rolled his eyes as the male's statement. He then shifted his eyes away, only to end up meeting them with the blonde's.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now