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"Hey Soraru," the raven-haired turned his head to look at Kuro.


"How would your bloodline continue if you're going to marry Mafu in the future?" Kuro laughed as she saw the albino's face turn completely red while the raven-haired had a small blush.

"W-Why are you even asking that?!" Mafu exclaimed as the red eyed blonde grinned.

"Just curious~ though I'm guessing you can probably use a spell to create a child."


"Oi Kuro, shut up." Soraru said in annoyance as the female laughed again.

Lon just watched the three interact, giggling at their banter, but she felt something was off despite the cheerfully atmosphere around them.

She looked at the necklace that was hanging from her neck, cupping her hands around it and closing her eyes she was seemingly trying to concentrate on something. She continued to repeat the steps a few times, wondering if something would change but got nothing.

Soraru noticed the female's worried demeanor, he walked to her, leaving the other two to their teasings, and gave her a worried look.

"You okay Lon?"

"I just feel uneasy for some reason," she said as she opened her eyes and let go of the necklace, looking at the raven-haired, "I thought maybe this would help me see why but I can't really do anything without having a specific thing in my mind."

Lon let out a soft sigh being giving the male a reassuring smile.

"You don't have to worry about it."

Soraru, still unconvinced, patted the female's head, causing her to give him a slightly annoyed look.

"You know I'd still be worried about you."

"Hey Soraru, quit flirting with Lon when you already have a boyfriend," Kuro fake glared at him while the raven-haired just rolled his eyes.

Mafu frowned a bit, Soraru thought it was because of Kuro's comment but he saw the albino seemed to look around.

"Do you guys feel a bit, I don't know, uneasy?" Mafu asked as he gave them a confused look.

"You feel it too Mafu?" Lon said as the albino nodded his head and headed towards the exit.

"Oi Mafu, wait up," Soraru and the other two followed the albino to wherever he was going.

They were back in the castle, Soraru tried his best to politely decline guests' requests for small talk as they continued to follow the male.

They were a bit further away from people, the sounds of the party going on were still within earshot, as the albino continued to look around for something.

"Where are you leading us to Mafu?" Kuro finally asked causing the male to stop and give them a sheepish smile.

"I'm not sure myself," he awkwardly let out a small laugh, "but I just feel some type of bad magic somewhere."

"And you think that blindly walking towards it is a good idea?" Soraru rose his eyebrow as the albino shifted his eyes away in embarrassment.

"Oh, right..."

"Maybe we should go back to the others," Lon suggested, "it'd be better if we regrouped so we don't have to worry about something."

A loud screech echoed through the halls, making the four jump and step back a bit as they quickly looked around to find the source.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now