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It had been weeks since the redhead and short brunette had remembered about their past. Both of them were ignoring each other, barely talking to one another. It's gotten to the point that the others were starting to catch onto their unusual behavior. This led to Urata making his usual comments towards the redhead so the others aren't worried or suspicious.

The two males didn't want the others to notice the distance between the two of them, though it was pretty obvious but they decided not to question them.

In Sakata's case, he didn't want them to know because it could end up with the guys finding out about their powers.

And in Urata's case, he just didn't want the others to pity him or find out about his feelings for the redhead that he was desperately trying to get rid of.

I really can't do things without my pride getting in the way. Urata thought as he walked to school with the purple-haired. Shima was trying to reason with the green eyed brunette, who didn't bother to listen to him.

"You're going to regret this," was what the purple-haired kept repeating.

"I don't care. I was right to not get attached to anyone." Urata stated as the purple-haired groaned.

"You can be a pain in the ass sometimes," Urata glared at the male who continued to speak, "it's all in the past. I'm sure he's feeling guilty about it."

"If it was you with that friend of yours, how would you feel?" Urata barked back, the purple-haired opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out. "I figured much."

"Okay but in my case—"

"Your case didn't result in you losing your home and your parents dying."

Shima stayed silent after hearing the short brunette. This is the most cold I've seen him get. He just gave the male a pitiful look. I hope you know what you're doing.

"Okay, I won't bother you about this anymore. It's your choice." Shima said as he stuffed his hands in his pocket. They walked in silence before a thought crossed then purple-haired's mind.

"Oh right, are we going to pretend that we don't know that Sakata and the other two have powers?" Shima asked as the short brunette nodded his head.

"Better to not bring it up at all."

"Okay then."

The two arrived at the gate, Shima just sighed as the short brunette and redhead avoided looking at each other. You guys are going to kill me with this tension.

"Hey Sakata."

"Hm?" The redhead looked at the light haired male that spoke to him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why are you asking?" Sakata titled his head, the green eyed brunette held back the urge to call him cute.

"You seem kinda red." Luz stated as the redhead made a confused face.

"Eh?" Sakata touched his cheeks, they felt a bit warmer than usual.

"I'm fine, it's probably just the heat." Sakata said as he gave the male a reassuring smile.

Nqrse glanced at the redhead, frowning a bit. Could it be....? The pink haired male took out his phone, tapping his fingers on it. Maybe I should look into this.

"Whatcha looking at?" Kashitaro asked the male, who finished doing what he was doing and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Just curious about something." Nqrse answered, I hope he sees it.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now