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The guys were on the roof for lunch as usual. The redhead was looking around the area, wondering where the green eyed brunette and purple-haired were.

"I'm surprised they aren't here." Kashitaro said as the light haired male nodded his head.

"They're usually the first ones here."

"Speaking of them." Soraru said as they saw the two males approach them with someone else was following behind.

"Sorry we're late," Shima sheepishly said, "I needed to show her something first."

"Show who?" Senra said as he looked behind the two males. He noticed that the person was the pink haired female that he saw earlier.

"Guys this is my—"

"She's Shima's fiancée." Urata cut off the purple-haired, his words made the others become silent.

"EH?!?!" They all shouted once they processed the short brunette's words.

"Way to be blunt." Shima said as the short brunette rolled his eyes.

"Because you would've just said she's your friend and continue to hide it from the others."

"You have a fiancée?!?" Amatsuki shouted in disbelief as the purple-haired sighed.


"Since when?!?" Luz exclaimed as the pink haired female responded.

"Only for a couple of years, I think it was three years ago." Hana then made an apologetic expression, "sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Hana. Nice to meet you guys."

Senra didn't know why he felt uneasy. Please don't do this to me. I've already been hurt once before. He let out a weak laugh as a thought crossed his mind. It always happens to be with the people that have arranged marriages.

Hana noticed the blonde's downcast eyes. She walked up to him and poked his arm. Senra looked up to face the pink haired female.

"Are you upset that I'm his fiancée?"

"Eh? N-No..." Senra shifted his eyes away to avoid the female's gaze.

Hana gave him a reassuring smile, "the both of us actually don't have any feelings for each other."

"Eh? But why wouldn't you if you're—"

"Our parents were the ones to decide this, me and Shima just see each other as friends."

Senra felt himself sigh in relief while the pink haired female smiled at him.

"I'm still surprised you have a fiancée," Mafu said, still not believing it.

"It was my parents who decided to arrange our marriage."

"I know you're rich but I didn't think you were that rich." Senra stated as the purple-haired grinned.

"Come on Senra~ you've seen how my house looks like so of course you'd know."

"Senra?" Hana said as she glanced back at the blonde.

Ah, so that's why he looked familiar. It's been a while, he looks different now. She then glanced at the raven-haired and redhead. Having not seen them for a long time I kinda forgot how they looked like. She then made a realization, how rude of me to talk to him like that.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you three." Hana said as she bowed to the three male.

"E-Eh?" Sakata let out while the other two were confused by the female's action.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now