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The blonde let out a small yawn as his eyes began to slowly open up, trying to adjust to the light. He was about to turn to his side until he felt someone's arms tighten around him. Eh?

Senra blinked a couple of times, still trying to adjust to the sun brightly shining through, he looked to see the purple-haired sleeping soundly, hair sticking out and covering his face, his arms wrapped around the male. The blonde blushed at the sight before smiling and snuggling more into the male.

The guys had decided to stay over for the night. The siblings had two guest rooms so they decided to sleep in pairs, of course they all decided to sleep with their boyfriend.

The blonde was about to fall back to sleep until the door loudly swung open, causing the blonde and purple-haired, who woke up from the loud thump, to jolt at the noise.

"Wake up~"
"You really march at the beat of your own drum."

Urata looked at the redhead with a blank expression, Sakata just giggled at the blonde's unamused look.

"Sakata~ just let me sleep more." Senra whined as he fell back on his bed, turning around, covering himself with the blanket.


"Why are you two even barging in here in the first place?" Shima asked, rubbing his eyes as he tried to wake up from his sleepy state.

"I honestly don't even know, he just woke me up and told me to go with him," Urata said as he gave the redhead a side glance, "Mafu and Amatsuki also seemed to have the same idea in waking the others up."

"Mafu was the one who told me to wake you guys up, so really he's the mastermind behind all this." Sakata stated as he smiled innocently.

"It's always Mafu." Shima muttered as he sighed.

"Well, Senra~ wake up~"

The blonde ignored the redhead and tried to go back to sleep. But Sakata wasn't having any of that and continued to pester the male until he got up. Shima and Urata just sighed and watched the redhead annoy the tired blonde.

"Oi idiot, you're being annoying." Urata said after a couple of minutes had passed.

"Is there a time when he's not?" Shima questioned while the redhead pouted at them.

"You guys are so mean to me."

"Cause you're a child." Senra muttered, still trying to fall asleep.

"I'm surprised Senra hasn't given in yet."

The two older males looked at the smiling albino that was standing by the door.

"Can we ask why you want all of us to be awake?" Urata asked the albino, who grinned.

"It was going to be a surprise until we get there but since Senra's being a pain then I'll tell you guys once everyone's in the living room."

"Sakata's the one that's being a pain." Senra muttered as he finally sat up on the bed.


"Www just hurry up~" The albino said as he walked away, the redhead followed behind, dragging the green eyed brunette, while the other two stayed.

"I wonder what he's so eager about." Shima said, the blonde just shrugged.

"Guess we should just go now." Senra got off his bed and made way towards the living room, the purple-haired following behind.

"Look who finally woke up~" Luz teased as he spotted the two males walking down the stairs.

"Try dealing with Sakata's constant pestering." Senra commented, resulting in the redhead pouting.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now