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"Eh? Urata can't drink," Yuuto said in shock, the short brunette just sighed as the teal-haired teased him, "do you want me to ask for orange juice for you then~"

"I'll kill you if you continue that." Urata glared at the male who was just laughing.

"Then again, you guys are technically underage so you can't even if you wanted to~"

"You're in the same boat as us," Kuro stated, "so you don't get to tease us for it."

"Kuro's being mean to me~" Yuuto fake whined, "I need my precious Sakata to comfort me~"


"Don't you have Haru now?" Luz asked as the teal-haired gestured his hand around him.

"Do you see him anywhere around here?"

"Aw~ you don't have your sweet boyfriend to keep you company~" Kuro teased as the teal-haired slightly blushed.

"So now you want us to entertain you cause you're bored without him." Nqrse jokingly said, Shima chuckled.

"He's just too lonely so he feels the need to tease us." Urata said in an amused tone as Yuuto puffed his cheeks out.

"Hey! I get to be the annoying one here, not you guys."

"Oh, there you guys are." Kashitaro said as the three princes headed towards them.

"Did you guys end up getting mobbed by people?" Lon jokingly asked, giggling a bit after seeing the three males nod their heads.

"So...many....people..." Sakata muttered as he hugged the short brunette, "Urata~ save me~"

Urata just rolled his eyes at the redhead's exaggeration. He then quickly gave the redhead a small peck on the cheek while the others weren't looking, making the redhead blush before smiling.

"The amount of times people asked me to dance with them is too much to count." Soraru said as the albino laughed.

"Well now we're here for you~"

"That's Mafu's way of saying that he won't let people get close to you." Amatsuki teased as the albino gave him an annoyed look.

"In other words, he's jealous." Luz said as he laughed at the albino's small embarrassment.

"Oh, you guys are wearing your pendants," Yuuto pointed out.

The necklaces were hanging around the males' necks, each in their respective color. Except for Soraru's, which had a mixture and swirl of their colors combined.

"Mom said we should, kind of like an anniversary gift or something like that." Sakata said as he smiled.

"I see you're also wearing the necklace I gave you~" Yuuto teased as he poked the redhead, "ww of course you'd wear the matching necklace with Urata."

"H-Hey, cut it out!" Sakata shouted as he blushed, the teal-haired just giggled.

"Urata's probably wearing his too, it's just that he's embarrassed to show it~"

"Oi, I'll kill you if you continue talking."

"Wow, I've received two threats from Urata already, I expected more though." Yuuto laughed and hid behind the redhead as a shield from the short brunette.

"So what are you guys going to do?" Nqrse asked, deciding to ignore the two male's usual bickering, the raven-haired shrugged.

"Technically we have to stay on the castle grounds but it's mostly Soraru who has to stay here," Senra stated, "me and Sakata can leave."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now