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"Do you think they'll be safe?" Sakata asked as the short brunette shrugged.

"I think they will but I don't want to place too much hope in it."

"It feels weird walking around freely despite the fact that I'm wanted."

"You're in a disguise, remember?"

"Yeah but the fact that I don't look different kinda worries me, how would we know if the illusion faded away?" Sakata looked at the male with a worried expression.

"I think we'll be fine," Shima said as he looked back at them, "we just have to head to that building and stay there until the others arrive."

"As long as we're—"


The three tensed up at the voice of the black-haired male. Urata turned around to see the male waving at them.

"What do you want?" Urata asked in an irritated tone, Haru just pouted.

"I can't come and say hi to my friend~" the male then looked at the other two, "who knew Sakata and Shima would make cute girls~"

The two mentioned males froze while the short brunette's glare faltered as he took a step back.

"Www aw, you guys look so scared."

"H-How are you able to notice?" Shima asked, slightly afraid of the answer.

"I'm a master of all types of illusions," Haru smiled, "and I know how to spot a fake one when needed."

"Should we run?" Sakata quietly asked as the short brunette rolled his eyes.

"No we'll just stay here and let him get to us."

"You shouldn't worry about that~ Right now I don't care, I just wanna continue my conversation with Urata," Haru gave the short brunette a friendly smile, "curious to see if he's thinking over the deal~"

"You already know my answer."

"But isn't it nice? You get to see your parents again, in fact I'll also bring back the king and queen! The both of you can be happy and have your parents' blessing in marriage."

Sakata snapped his head to look at the black-haired male in confusion, "what?"

"See? Sakata seems happy about it."

The redhead just frowned while the short brunette stood defensively in front of him.

"Oi, as if he'd agree to you."

"Protective as always, you know it gets annoying at some point." Haru said as he made an annoyed expression.

"Then how about you just permanently shut up so you don't have to deal with it?"

"That's harsh," Haru teleported behind the redhead, which startled the male, and hugged him, "how about this deal instead, I take Sakata and you guys can go free. I'll even help stop them from catching Soraru."

Urata was about to punch him before realizing he couldn't move his body. Tch. This again.

"I think we all know that your promises mean nothing." Shima stated as the male pouted.

"How mean~ even if it means that I'll let Senra go too?"

The purple-haired's guard faltered at the mention of the blonde.

"If I can keep Sakata then Senra can run back into Shima's arm and you guys can leave peacefully."

"Oi! Didn't you lie to make everyone hate him?" Urata exclaimed.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now