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Soraru felt like he was going to go insane if he had to keep staring at the same trees for the next hour or so.

"This path is leading us nowhere..." Shima sighed along with the raven-haired.

They had walked along the dirt path for a while now, the only thing visible in sight were trees and bushes. They thought about trying to go off the path but the slight fear of being totally lost made them stick on the path, hoping to find something new, even a scenery change would be nice.

"Wonder if the others at least have a different view that isn't trees..." Soraru muttered as the purple-haired sighed again.

"Well, I think Senra might've decided to go to that place we found last time we came here."

"I just hope we find something interesting, even if it isn't related to the spell. I'd rather see something that makes all this walking worthwhile."

"I agree."

The two let out a third tired sigh as they continued to walked forward, seeing as they had no where else to go. The raven-haired felt something rest on his head, he shifted his eyes to look up to see a teru teru bozu.

"Hey Mafuteru, have something to say to us?" Shima asked as the doll smiled.

"Teru has message from master Mafu."

"Well what is it?"

"The message is: I'm bored, all we found was a small fountain that occasionally changes color."

"Eh? That's actually intriguing." Soraru said as Mafuteru continued his message.

"'It just changes color depending on the type of magic one has, allowing it to be used to heal them.' That is the message." Mafuteru happily said.

"That could be useful at least." Shima stated as the raven-haired nodded his head.

"Teru will go back to tell master Mafu that Soraru and mole prince are okay and haven't found anything useful!"

"Way to make us look pathetic..." the two watched the doll head back, "but it's nice to know that Mafu's worried about you~" the purple-haired teased.

"I'm sure if you could you'd want to check on Senra too."

Shima just looked away while Soraru smirked at his slight blush.

"A-Anyways, how much farther do you think this path goes?"

Soraru just shrugged, the purple-haired's shoulders slumped in distraught. They went back to walking down the path, seconds had gone by before they noticed that there was a strange blueish glow up ahead.

"Oh thank god, finally something besides trees."

The two sighed in relief once realizing they finally encountered something during their long walk. Soraru was about to pick up his pace before pausing.

"Think it's okay to just rush over there?"

"Who knows," Shima gave the raven-haired a bright grin, "but the ice prince is here to save us if anything goes bad."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now