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Amatsuki was sitting on a park bench, the clear blue sky loomed above him as he waited for the brunette to arrive. It had been a few weeks since the red eyed brunette told the raven-haired that he liked Kashitaro.

Amatsuki was trying his best to confess his feelings, but he always ended up giving up on the idea, out of embarrassment. Soraru would sometimes help him, though it was mostly because the red eyed brunette whined and forced the raven-haired to help him.

Amatsuki then sighed once he remembered about the time Kuro practically pushed him towards the brunette. Of course she'd find out. It's Kuro after all.

The two attempted to help him, with one of them making lazy attempts while the other was eager to embarrass him.

The red eyed brunette was looking at the scenery around him, there was a calm atmosphere filling the air. Amatsuki was determined to confess to the brunette today, I just hope things turn out okay.

He was nervous, and told the raven-haired to come help him if he needed it. Of course Soraru complained about why he should do it but ended up agreeing once he saw how much of a nervous wreck Amatsuki was.

"Hey Amatsuki." The brunette's sudden voice made the red eyed brunette jump in his seat.

"O-Oh hey Kashi." Amatsuki smiled at the male, attempting to cover up the blush that crept on his face.

"So why'd you ask me to come?" Kashitaro asked as he looked at the male with slight curiosity.

"I can't hang out with my friend~?"

"I would've thought that you'd be with Mafu or Soraru."

"They're busy and the others probably wouldn't want to leave their homes." Amatsuki stated as he nervously shifted his eyes.

Originally he wanted to hang out with someone, but once he was about to text them Amatsuki decided that he should take this chance to confess to the brunette. He didn't even bother asking the others as he immediately texted the brunette to hang out with him.

"So what are we going to do first?" Kashitaro asked as the red eyed brunette stood up from his seat.

"Let's walk around the park for a bit~" Amatsuki grabbed the brunette's wrist and began to walk. Kashitaro just chuckled at the red eyed male's cheerfulness.

The two males enjoyed their time walking around the area, Amatsuki was admiring the sight of the cherry blossom trees while the brunette just watched him. How cute, Kashitaro thought as he looked at the red eyed brunette's eyes beaming with joy.

The brunette saw a petal fall on the Amatsuki's hair. Without thinking much about it, Kashitaro reached to remove the petal. His hand brushing against the red eyed brunette's hair, it's soft. He smiled to himself while Amatsuki processed what happened.

"E-Eh?" Amatsuki stuttered as the blush from earlier came back onto his face.

"You just had a petal in your hair." Kashitaro said as the red eyed brunette timidly replied.


Kashitaro took out his phone to look at the time,
"should we go to the cafe nearby to eat something?"

Amatsuki just nodded his head, unable to respond as he tried to recover from the blush. The brunette turned around and walked towards the exit of the park.

Amatsuki followed behind, moving his hand to touch the spot that the brunette had brushed his hand on. His blush deepened even more as he remembered the warmth of the brunette's hand.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now