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The three males were too overwhelmed by their emotions that they ran to hug their parents. The king and queen returned the gesture, missing the warmth of having the three in their arms. The others just watched the scene with smiles on their face.

"How touching~" Amatsuki cooed as the king and queen let out a small light laugh.

"Oi, shut up." Soraru said to the male as he let go of the hug.

"Www way to ruin the mood." Mafu teased as the light haired male grinned.

"Soraru's still blunt even when he's having a heartfelt moment, ww."

The raven-haired glared at the three before sighing. The blonde just chuckled at the guys' teasings while the redhead was still hugging his parents.

"Sorry to disturb you." Nqrse said as he gave the king and queen an apologetic look.

"It's fine, we were the ones that decided to make you guys come here." The king said before realizing something, "ah, we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Reio and this is my wife Aihi."

"Welcome to Outworld." Aihi said as she bowed at them.

"How fancy~" Shima commented while the pink haired female rolled her eyes.

"You don't need to bow to them your majesty." Hana said as the queen shook her head.

"They're guest, it's only natural to be polite."

"Eh? They're worthy of being treated with formalities?" Hana jokingly asked as the others glared at her.

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean?!?" Amatsuki retorted while the female just smirked.

"You have become quiet acquainted with them." Reio commented as the pink haired female looked at him, "back then you usually kept to yourself."

"I guess being around these guys lets me forget about my duties and such." Hana replied as she smiled at the king.

"You're actually being nice?" Shima said in disbelief while the brunette chuckled.

"We're touched by your words Hana~"

"Can we kick them out now?" The pink haired female bluntly said, causing the king and queen to laugh.

"I've been wondering, but are you going to make an announcement about their presence?" Eve asked them, who glanced at each other as they thought about it.

"Eventually we will, Outworld needs to know about its three princes." Aihi said as she gave the three males a warm smile.

"E-Eh?" Sakata stuttered as he timidly covered his face with the cloak, "people are going to know about us?"

"We'll eventually have some type of ceremony or ball to introduce you three, but for now your presence will be kept a secret until we think it's safe." Reio said as he patted the redhead.

"Eh? A ball?" Senra tilted his head while the raven-haired groaned.

"Just a party to celebrate your safety," Aihi said before giggling a bit, "don't worry, it won't be those types where you'd have to find a bride or such. I can tell that two of you have already found your soulmate."

Soraru and Sakata blushed and turned their heads away to hide their faces. The albino and short brunette could feel the queen's teasing look and avoided making eye contact.

"I had a feeling it'd be them, seeing as you two always talked about them back then." The queen said as she smiled.

"A-Anyways, h-how have you been mom?" Soraru asked, wanting to switch the topic.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now