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Mafu was walking around the town with the other four. They had school off today because of some small flooding and plumbing issues. The guys decided to spend the day together and just goof around.

"Glad we don't have school." Shima said as the short brunette rose his eyebrow.

"You're just glad since you didn't do the work that's due."

Shima sheepishly laughed as he looked away from the green eyed brunette's narrow gaze.

"Wonder when they'll fix the leaks." Nqrse thought out loud as the red eyed brunette smiled.

"I hope it takes a while."

"And you just don't want to go to school." Urata stated as the red eyed brunette laughed.

"Guilty as charged."

Urata looked at Amatsuki and Shima before sighing. These two are seriously idiots.

"So what are we going to do today?" Mafu asked.

"We can go eat at a buffet." Nqrse said as they all look at Shima.

"What?" The purple-haired male said, confused by their stares.

"You know what we're implying~" Amatsuki said before the short brunette lightly smacked his head.

"Oi. Don't abuse Shima's wealth."

The purple-haired then made an expression showing that he now understood. Shima let out a small sigh as he shook his head in amusement.

The purple-haired's parents were famous, pretty much everyone knew about them. They run a business and are top CEOs, making them extremely wealthy. You could say that Shima's like a real life prince.

He doesn't really like telling people about his parents' fame, but he knows that he can't hide it so it didn't matter. People always tried to 'befriend' the purple-haired, though he knows that they only care about his wealth. He never really considers those people his friends.

That was one of the reasons he's popular in school. Once he befriended the guys, people started to act friendly towards them, simply because they want to get close to him. Though most of the time was because classmates wanted to be friends with the popular people. They found in pretty annoying.

"I don't mind." Shima said as the pink haired male sighed.

"Then let's go~" The albino said as he began to walk, before stopping in his tracks.

"Eh? Mafu?" Amatsuki questioned the albino's sudden stop before noticing what, more specifically who, the albino was looking at.

It was none other than the three males. Sakata was bouncing around happily with Senra and Soraru behind him. The redhead was chatting away while the other two smiled.

"Oh hey it's Sakata, Senra and Soraru." Amatsuki said as the other three turned their heads towards where the red eyed brunette was looking.

"As usual, those three are together." Nqrse said with a small laugh.

"They're always together no matter where they are." Shima stated as he looked at the three males.

"More like Sakata and Senra follow Soraru around." Urata commented.

"Should we try talking to them?" Mafu asked as he looked at the guys. They all shrugged, not sure if they should or shouldn't.

Shima looked at the three males again, specifically at the blonde. Looks just like him.... The purple-haired sighed as he crossed his arms. They might've forgot all about me once I stopped coming over. They probably hate me now.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now