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8 years ago....

Two males were in the raven-haired's room, spending the day together. Soraru was reading a book to his younger brother, who was laying on the bed next to the male as he listened.

There was a peaceful atmosphere around them as the two looked at the book. The redhead's eyes would light up sometimes whenever he got interested or he'd smile. Soraru would occasionally ruffle his hair, making the younger let out a soft giggle.

There was a soft knock on the door, the two looked up as they heard a maid's voice.

"Prince Soraru, Sakata, can you come to the throne room, your parents would like you to be there for a moment."

The two males looked at each other with curious expression. Soraru closed the book and left it on his bed as he got off. Sakata followed suit, grabbing onto the 9 year-old male's arm as they followed the maid to the throne room.

"What do mom and dad want?" The redhead asked the older, who just shrugged.

Sakata kept a curious look on his face as he held onto his brother's arm. The two made it to the throne room, the maid bowed her head and left, and peeked through the door.

They saw four more adults in the room with their parents. Along with the four new people were two kids, one with purple hair and the other with indigo-like hair.

"Ah, you two are here," Aihi said as she spotted at her two sons, "you guys can come in."

Sakata timidly hid behind the raven-haired while Soraru just walked towards his parents with a curious expression.

"Soraru, Sakata, this is Shima and Riku. Say hi to them."

The two princes just waved their hands while the other two waved back. The adults noticed that the four kids seemed tensed around each other.

"You shouldn't be afraid of them, they're princes like you." Reio reassured his sons with a soft smile.

"Prince?" Sakata timidly said, slightly peeking from behind his brother.

"Shima and Riku are princes of the human world." The purple-haired's mother said as she smiled at the two.

"Hu..man wor...ld....?" Sakata cutely tilted his head, not understanding while the raven-haired finally spoke.

"That's the place where Kashi and Lon are from, right?"

Soraru glanced at his parents for confirmation, they just nodded their heads with a smile on their face.

"Yes, in the human world they can't use magic like us, and there aren't any strange creatures either."

"Sounds boring."

"Sakata." Aihi scolded the redhead while the indigo-haired male quietly laughed at the male's comment.

"It is kinda boring," Riku said, "right Shima?" The mentioned male just nodded his head.

"You four can go out and explore the village as a way to get to know each other." Reio said as he patted the raven-haired's head.

"Do I have to show them around?" Soraru childishly whined.

"You still don't enjoy going out," Reio chuckled at his son's laziness before smiling, "Sakata can come with you too."

The redhead immediately perked up as he nodded his head vigorously. He normally wasn't allowed to go out since he was younger and Soraru couldn't watch over him because he had to do things.

"Pwease niichan~?"

The redhead tugged on the raven-haired's sleeves as he spoke to his in a childish, baby voice. Soraru looked at his brother before sighing in defeat.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now