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"What if they have Senra locked up somewhere?" Kuro, in her cat form, asked as she was perched on the raven-haired's shoulder.

"Then we'll just break in, what else would we do?" Kashitaro said as the red eyed blonde rose her eyebrow.

"Oh great idea then people can hear the ruckus, head there, see us and then lock us up, maybe even possibly kill us."

"We have you, you can just use your cat powers to get in."

"First you guys tease me, now you're going to abuse my powers. How cruel~"

Kashitaro just rolled his eyes before glancing at the raven-haired who was holding his pendant.

"Sora– wait we didn't think of a cover name for you."

"Oh right, calling him by his name would just screw us over quickly." Kuro gave the male a teasing grin, "how about Sora?"

"How creative." Soraru said as the red eyed blonde stuck her tongue out.

"At least you're talking now."

"Maybe let's go with Raru?" Kashitaro teased as the raven-haired sighed.

"Sorapi sounds nice."


"You guys are terrible. I don't really care about name you call me." Soraru responded, which caused Kuro to smile.

"Alright then your code name will be Fishcake."

".....anything but that....."







"Old man?"


"Geez you don't have to glare at me like that."

"Let's just forget about the name for now, if we have to we'll just say the first one that comes to mind." Kashitaro looked at the raven-haired with a pondering look, "are you getting anything from the pendant?"

"Senra seems to be awake but that's just it..." Soraru then shifted his eyes to the side, "well, he felt kinda distraught at one point, I'm only guessing that he must've already heard what happened."

"But he knows that there had to be some reason for...that."

"And what if I said I did it on purpose? You wouldn't know."

"Well...." Kashitaro turned his head to the side, Soraru just sadly smiled before the brunette looked back at him, "we all know the lazy ice prince wouldn't be capable of that. But do you want to tell us exactly what happened?"

Soraru sighed as he put the pendant back in his pocket.

"Basically, Sakata and I were in the room, well we kinda waited outside because we didn't want to see the...mess. Dad walked by and we practically tackled him to tell him what happened. He became distraught and went to check it out."

Soraru let out another sigh as he hugged his arms.

"He was crying for a while before things went silent....too silent that we were worried for him so we decided to enter the room and then he started to attack us."

"Actually, I never made the knife," Soraru moved his eyes to the side to look at them, "it had already been there."

"So they were definitely planning on framing you." Kashitaro quietly said as the raven-haired nodded his head.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now