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Nqrse glanced at the redhead that was happily talking to the red eyed brunette. He said I should keep an eye on him more than the other two. The pink haired male noticed that the redhead's face was red, though it didn't seem to be due to a blush.

He definitely doesn't look well. He could tell that the redhead seemed to put up a false, weak smile. He glanced at the short brunette that was talking with Senra and Shima. Nqrse sighed as he looked at his phone. Still no reply. He then noticed the redhead shake his head.

"Hey Sakata." Nqrse called out, causing the redhead to turn his head to look at him.


"How do you feel?"

"Eh? Why is everyone suddenly asking me that?" Sakata said as he gave the male a confused look.

"You just seem out of it recently."

"I'm fine~ just tired," the redhead smiled, "you guys don't need to worry about me."

"You saying that makes us worry even more." Soraru muttered as Senra nodded his head.

"Aw~ niichan is soo worried about me~"

The redhead wrapped the raven-haired in a hug as he giggled. Nqrse saw the raven-haired wince a little at the hug, almost like he was injured. The pink haired male looked in his bento box and spotted a cookie. He grabbed it, staring at it as the red dust sugar crystals seemed to shine in the sun. There.

"Here Sakata," Nqrse said as he handed the cookie to the redhead, who let go of the raven-haired.

"Eh?" Sakata was again confused by the pink haired male's action.

"You saw me eating one before and asked me to give you one." Nqrse said as the redhead perked up.

"Thanks Nqrse~ I love you~" Sakata jokingly said as he eagerly took the cookie and munched on it.

"How can something so simple make you so happy?" Shima asked as the redhead ignored him, too busy eating the cookie.

"I'm surprised you're not fat with how fast you're eating that." Urata remarked, the redhead blushed and silently munched on the cookie. The short brunette found the action cute.

"How do you feel?" Nqrse asked again as the redhead beamed at him.

"I feel better somehow, no longer tired~"

At least that helped for now. The pink haired male thought before noticing that he received a text. He looked at it and sighed in relief a bit.

"Hey Soraru," Nqrse said as he whispered to the male.


"Eve said that he wanted to talk to you about something."

"Eh? What is it?" Soraru asked as the pink haired male stayed silent.

"He didn't say why," Nqrse lied as he gave the male a small smile, "but I think you should go now."

The raven-haired raised his eyebrow, a bit confused at the male's word but decided that it wouldn't hurt to talk to Eve. Soraru got up from his spot and told the others that he was going to the library for a bit. Nqrse then whispered to him as Soraru walked past him.

"I'll answer any questions you have later," this confused the raven-haired even more as he went to look for the mushroom-haired.

Soraru walked into the library, scanning the area, looking for the fluffy hair. Where could he be? After walking around for a while, the raven-haired spotted the male sitting in a table that was farther away from others in its isolated corner.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now