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The five made it to the castle, they were debating on whether or not to hide the blonde, but it didn't matter as they were quickly spotted by the king and queen. The adults noticed an unfamiliar figure and upon closer inspection they recognized him, but that wasn't their concern at the moment.

"Oh, what happened to you my child?" Aihi said as she approached the blonde, a worried expression on her face. Senra slightly tensed up before letting out a small breath to calm himself.

"He sprained his ankle," Soraru then informed them about what happened.

They'll most likely just throw me out since I'm a thief. But there's a chance they might pity me and help me. Either way, I'm still going to go have to go back to the streets. Senra thought as he listened to the raven-haired talking to his parents.

"Well, let's get him to the doctor to heal him ankle." Aihi said, surprising the blonde.


"What's wrong my child?" The queen questioned the blonde's reaction.

"A-Ah, nothing..." Senra shifted his eyes to the side, Aihi smiled at the blonde.

"Were you thinking that we might've just left you alone?"

Senra was silent for a few seconds before silently nodding his head, causing the queen to softly pat him.

"I don't necessarily care about your background, if a subject of mine needs help I will do my best to help them, even if they're called dangerous by others."

"The worst he can do is shock us..." Shima mumbled, the blonde just gave him an annoyed expression for the comment.

"I'll get the doctor." Reio said as he left the room, the other male's parents just watched.

"You really are a good queen." Riku's mother said as Aihi smiled.

"I just want to help a child, I can see that he's a good person."

Senra faintly blushed in embarrassment as he awkwardly shuffled in his spot, not really expecting them to help him. He was used to others just ignoring him, even if he was hurt, when he was out on his own. The king came back with the doctor, who used his magic to heal the blonde's ankle.

"There, it should be fine now," the doctor said, the blonde just moved his foot around, no longer feeling the pain.

The doctor smiled at Senra, "just make sure give it time before you do anything that would put too much weight on your foot."

Senra just nodded his head, only semi-listening to the doctor. The doctor bowed to the king and queen and left. Senra assumed he could leave now and was about to head out when Reio's voice stopped him.

"It'd be bad if you left while your foot is still healing. If you want you can sleep in either the guest rooms or Soraru and Sakata's room, they have a spare bed since Sakata enjoys sleeping with his brother."

Guess I'll just have to sneak out at night. Senra thought as he looked at the king and just slowly nodded his head, deciding to go along for now. He was still determined to leave and go back to his usual lifestyle. I don't fit here, and I doubt royalty would care about someone like me.

"Well, I think it's time for us to leave. It was nice meeting you two." Shima's father said, the purple-haired tugged on his father's clothes.

"I want to stay~"

"Why's that my sweet child?" Shima's mother asked as the purple-haired grinned.

"I didn't get to visit him today so I was hoping I could meet him tomorrow."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now