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"Oh," Shima's voice caught the raven-haired's attention, "Yuuto's awake now."

The two looked at the teal-haired male that was now rubbing his head.

"I'm gonna kill them when I can," Yuuto then noticed the two before sighing, "oh, you guys also got captured. That's kind of surprising."

"It can't be helped," Soraru nonchalantly sighed, "I'm surprised you got the special treatment and are able to walk freely."

Yuuto grinned, "hah! I'm just that loved."

"You shouldn't be proud of that in this scenario...." Shima muttered as the teal-haired stuck his tongue out.

"I just need to find a way to break this collar then I can use my powers," he tilted his head, "but how come you guys haven't escaped, Soraru can just freeze the bars and break them."

"If I use my powers I get hurt."

"Oh, well looks like we're hostages along with Sou and Riku."

"I just hope the others realize we're gone," Shima said, the raven-haired gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure they noticed by now, the only problem is that they won't really know what happened."

"And probably figuring out where we're being kept in." Shima added as the teal-haired male sighed.

"Well—" Yuuto let out a yelp as someone suddenly appeared right next to him.

"Now you know how it feels to us when you do that." Shima teased as the other male pouted.

They three then paled when they saw the fake Shima smiling at them, holding up a book close to his face for them to see.

"Look what I have~"

"Didn't you guys say it was useless." Soraru bitterly remarked as the fake's smile continued to remain on its face.

"Yep, but your lovely friends found a way to see the rest of the book," the fake's smile grew wider, "and now we can see the other spells that were hidden."

"S-Shit," Yuuto muttered under his breath.

"I guess I should give you some hope," the fake's word caused the other three to raise their eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" Shima cautiously asked as the fake smiled.

"Well, good news they found whatever you guys need. I'm sure that's what Mafu ripped out earlier."

The three let out a sigh in relief, glad that they were closer to stopping them, before it turned into immediate dread at the fact that the fake didn't seem worried.

"W-Why aren't you nervous?" Soraru asked, "it just means we can stop you guys now."

"Yep, but now we have these forbidden spells that will help us." The fake laughed, "guess they should've thought about that before getting a bit cocky."

"Well I have to give this to Haru so have fun sitting here." The fake then disappeared, leaving the rest in silence.

He has a point, they now have spells that can help them. Great, just great. Soraru sarcastically thought as he let out an frustrated sigh.

"In the end they're at least one step ahead of us." Shima said in frustration, "well, we should be happy that the others have what they need."

"True," the raven-haired glanced at Yuuto, "I'm surprised you didn't try to attack the fake to get the book back."

"I'm not like Urata who's short yet very capable of beating someone into a pulp if needed," Yuuto stated as he gave them a short laugh, "besides, I do better with knives and throwing them than brute force."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now