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Sakata sat up in his bed, his bedhead a mess, as he yawned. He looked out the window, even though it was the beginning of June, the sky was covered in a layer of dark grey. The redhead felt lightheaded as he held his head in his hand. My head hurts.

He knew that the raven-haired would tell him to stay home if he didn't feel well, but he reasoned with himself that it was just a small headache that'll go away. He got up to get ready for school, hoping that it would take his mind off of everything that was stressing him out.

As the three walked to school, Sakata would occasionally shake his head whenever a headache came through.

"You sure you're okay?" Senra asked the redhead, who nodded his head.

"I'm fine~"

The other two just looked at each other before sighing. The redhead could be stubborn whenever he wanted to be.

"Just promise me that you'll go home if you don't feel well." Soraru said as the redhead smiled.

"I will, I will. You don't have to worry about me."

They arrived at the school gates, Sakata glanced at the short brunette for a split second before going to talk to the albino. Urata pretended that he didn't notice the redhead and chatted with Kashitaro.

"You can cut the tension with a knife."

Soraru turned to look at the teal-haired that had muttered.

"Heyo Soraru~" Yuuto greeted the male, who gave him a blank look.

"Aw, no hello back? How mean~"

"Don't you have other people you should be annoying?" Soraru asked as the teal-haired giggled.

"Yep, but you guys are my favorite people to annoy~"

"So is Sakata okay?" Yuuto asked as he looked at the redhead, "his face seems even more red than usual."

"Eh?" The blonde and raven-haired both let out as they looked at the redhead.

Sure enough, his cheeks were redder than before. Yuuto walked up to the redhead and pinched his cheeks, earning a complain from the male.

"Sakata~ you're making your brothers worried~"

Yuuto then removed his hand from the redhead's cheek and shook it a bit to ease the small pain. Just touching his cheeks is enough to slightly burn my fingers. The teal-haired frowned a bit before glancing at the short brunette. You two are such a pain.

"Hey Urata, Sakata," Yuuto called out as he looked at the two.


They met the male's eyes, the same glow-like effect appeared in his green eye. That should help. The teal-haired smiled, "never mind I forgot what I was going to say. Well see ya guys~"

Now hopefully it'll come back at the right time. Yuuto 'bumped' into the redhead as he was walking away. Sakata stumbled and fell right into the short brunette's arm. The teal-haired made a side glance as he looked at them. Guess it doesn't affect him. Makes sense. He grinned to himself as he walked into the school.

"E-Eh?!?" Sakata's face heated up, only this time it was because of the blush.

Urata helped the redhead up and then quickly stopped holding him, moving away a bit. Sakata was calming down his embarrassed face.

"Www Sakata's blushing a lot~" Amatsuki teased as he poked the redhead's cheek, before feeling a slight burn.

"Ow." The red eyed brunette retracted his hand in confusion.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now